Humanities and Creative Arts

Research and Methodological Center of Writing and Critical Thinking (RMC)

The aim of the Center is to run research and methodological activities to develop students’ writing skills and critical thinking

The main objectives of the Center are as follows:
1. Creating, implementing and promoting various educational techniques, as well as getting students’ feedback
2. Providing methodological recommendations for testing and implementing didactic techniques facilitating quality of education
3. Assessing psychological and didactic impacts of learning techniques

The main activities of the Center are as follows:
1. Research and practical solutions in social and human sciences (applied research, exploratory experimentation)
2. Development and dissemination of research, didactic and methodological manuals
3. Raising awareness and implementing extra-curricular courses (as a part of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, as well as advanced training courses for adults)
4. Arranging scientific and methodological events on current issues of education
5. Cooperating with research, educational and public organizations, legislative and executive authorities, media, foreign and international organizations, other legal entities and individuals

critical thinking, writing, writing practices, text


Yulia Vetoshkina
PhD in Cultural Studies
Head of the Center
Associate Professor

Ekaterina Ignatova
PhD in Psychology
Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology, Associate Professor

Bioethics and Biopolitics

 • Studying biopower as a new kind of soft power
• Exploring issues of medicalization of life
• Researching essence and new kinds of bioethics as a mechanism of rational and moral management of medicalization and human enhancement
• Researching global transformation associated with a large-scale transit to horizontal interaction based on networking, broad autonomy, communicative and cooperative equality of participants
• Considering biopolitics as a new way of interaction of a human and society with their biology, i.e. as rational and collective management of it
• Considering biopolitics as a way of optimization of human biology development

bioethics, biopolitics, biopower, human enhancement, medicalization, transhumanism


Anton Zhelnin
PhD in Philosophy
Associate Professor
ResearcherID: AAR-2036-2021
ORCID: 0000-0002-6368-1363

Gender Studies

 • Studying political participation of women in the past and present
• Analyzing women’s social and political activities (e.g. protests, women’s organizations, women in political parties)
• Researching modern culture wars on women’s issues in different countries (Ireland, Poland, Great Britain, etc.) and how traditional values are created as a concept in cultural conflicts

gender, women’s history, women in politics, women’s political participation, feminism, equal rights policy


Darya Vershinina
PhD in History
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0003-4354-8239
ResearcherID: AAR-3722-2021

Philosophical Rationality and Phenomenology of Subjectivity

 • Conducting phenomenological research of subjectivity beyond its reflective and expected ‘horizontal’ dimension
• Considering two opposite philosophical approaches:
◦ Primarily, the approach of post-Husserlian phenomenology (M.Merleau-Ponty, M.Henry, M.Richir, D.Trigg) aimed at studying the ego affectation by body, language, ‘others’, history and technology. Within this approach, the ego is being constituted by passive syntheses, the ontological interpretation of which implies going beyond the internal boundary of the phenomenon. This implies the constitution of non-descriptive phenomenology
◦ Secondly, another approach of completely reducing subjectivity to the meaning structure of the present situation itself. Unlike the phenomenology of being (M.Heidegger, J.-L.Marion), this approach considers ‘neutralization’ of the ego, that in turn indicates its ‘horizontal’ structures as boundaries of a particular act of presence, and the objective situation itself as unfolding around the local meaning core. Reaching the phenomenon’s external boundary develops non-intential phenomenology.
• Combining these opposite approaches that consider reaching internal (material-sensory) and external (subject-meaning) boundaries gives a holistic description of subjectivity as an ontological phenomenon

phenomenology, consciousness, phenomenon, transcendental ego, subjectivity, rationality, intentionality


Sergei Komarov
Doctor of Philosophy
Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Professor
ORCID: 0000-0001-7358-6151
Researcher ID: AAS-4823-2021

Waste Management System in Arctic Zone

 • Building circular economy in Arctic regions
• Shaping criteria and parameters of circular economy operation under extreme conditions
• Sharing experience in creating an effective waste management system in the Arctic zone
• Exploring relevant issues of international and interregional cooperation in Arctic territories
• Studying the role of business and civil society in achieving sustainable development and solving social and environmental problems of subpolar territories
• Enhancing regional capacity of the Arctic zone including ways of capitalization, sustainable use and effective reproduction

circular economy, regional policy, Arctic zone, international cooperation in the Arctic, production and consumption waste


Vyacheslav Stolbov
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor
Researcher ID: AAC-9473-2020;
SPIN-код: 1762–4189;
AuthorID: 118820

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