Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences

Analysis of Climate Change Impact on Ice Regime of Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs

 • Studying the impact of climate change on the ice regime of rivers, lakes and reservoirs
• Researching deviations and shifts in ice dates
• Observing consequences of climate change with Data Series Smoothing Method, Differential Integral Curves and other methods

climate change impact, ice regime of rivers, ice regime of reservoirs, change in ice dates, change point in ice formation dates


Ksenia Mikova
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor
Research Gate
ORCID 0000-0003-1170-5375

Applied geophysics

 • Applying geophysical methods to a site characterization, hazards and structural health monitoring, voids detection, and geological mapping
• Using fiber optic technology in geophysics and geology

Geophysics, electromagnetic, resistivity, georadar, seismic reflection, seismic refraction, MASW, site characterization


Oleg Kovin
Associate Professor
ORCID ID 0000-0003-1156-2802


 • Investigating geological materials with nanosubstance
• Inviting delegations from partner universities
• Publishing textbooks
• Delivering lectures on nanomineralogy
• Exchanging of achievements and research findings with partners

high-resolution electron microscopy, nanotechnology


Boris Osovetsky
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences

Methodological Approach to Policies of Industry in Sustainable Development and Water Resources Protection

 • Developing a method for assessing water shortage based on the integral index of water resources
• Applying the index that combines two indicators. Primarily, the wastewater discharge indicator characterizes the quality of water resources. Secondly, the water use indicator characterizes the quantity of water resources. The integral indicator can be used in planning industrial activities to achieve sustainable development
• Exploring the contribution of the industry to the water shortage in a territory
• Assessing quantitative and qualitative shortage of water resources in a territory affected by a large mining enterprise in the northeast of Perm Krai

sustainable development, enterprise, water resources, indicator, index, water management balance, water supply, wastewater, water shortage, water quality


Olga Larchenko
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor

Maria Oskina
Phd student

Institute of Natural Science

● Studying geochemistry of natural and technogenic ecosystems
● Developing technology of environmental protection and waste recycling for mining territory
● Researching new method of remediation by geochemical and biological (vegetation and microbiological) methods
● Investigating geotechnicalparameters for construction
● Environmental risk assessment

Environmental geochemistry,  technology of environmental protection,  biodiversity, forestry, waste recycling, remediation


Elena Khayrulina
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor
ORCID: 0000-0002-9074-8551
ResearcherID: J-8411-2014

Physics of Phase Transitions

The key research areas include:
• Soft condensed matter physics
• Physics of phase transitions
• Physics of magnetic nanodispersed media
• Physics of liquid crystals
• Electro- and ferrohydrodynamics
• Computer simulation of orientational and structural instabilities and phase transitions

Soft Matter, colloid dispersion, liquid crystals, colloids, ferronematic, magnetic nanoparticles, electro- and ferrohydrodynamics


Danil Petrov
PhD in Physics and Mathematics
Associate Professor,
OrcidID: 0000-0002-4324-4860
ResearcherID: P-5952-2015
Scopus Author ID: 16507552000

Short-term and Long-term Forecasts of Water and Ice Regimes in Current Climatic Conditions

 • Studying application and development of short-term and long-term hydrological forecasts
• Analysing of forecast accuracy, i.e. frequency of significant errors’ and diminishing feasibility
• Revising methods of hydrological forecasts considering impact of climate change on a hydrological regime
• Developing prediction models (e.g. updated extremes, highest peak flow, early dates of ice formation, etc.) including the data for the last 20 years
• Promoting application of developed prediction models for forecasts and consultations

short-term hydrological forecasts, long-term hydrological forecasts, prediction of water regime, prediction of ice regime, climate change impact on hydrological forecasts


Ksenia Mikova
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor
Research Gate
ORCID 0000-0003-1170-5375

Stratigraphy of Permian System

 • Studying the Permian system, describing geological cross sections of Lower Permian sediments, comparing them to the stratotypes of China, the USA and the Permian layers of other countries
• Developing new methods and technologies in Permian system palaeontological and complex studies
• Studying oil-and-gas-bearing capacity and other fossil minerals

Permian system, stratigraphy, stratotype, standard section


Grigorii Bolotov
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Associate Professor

Basin Modelling of Oil Systems

 • Identifying local generation and migration oil systems
• Applying methods of basin modelling for regions with complex tectonic structures and deep subsurfaces
• Addressing theoretical issues of petroleum geology and geochemistry of deeply buried sediments and technological aspects

basin modelling, deep subsurfaces, fold-thrust areas


Elena Kuznetsova
Senior Lecturer

Research Laboratory of Facies’ Genesis Analysis of Geosystems

• Geoarchaeological research of ancient settlements
• Palaeoenvironment reconstruction of preferable residential areas of ancient and medieval people
• Comprehensive analysis of sediment cores of lakes, wetlands and peatlands
• Applying biological methods of analysis to palaeogeographic reconstruction
• Qualitative and quantitative reconstruction of the climate change
• Studying late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments with lab-based analytical techniques
• Studying reference sections of the Cis-Ural Pleistocene

The laboratory was established in 2022 with the support of Vladimir Potanin Foundation grant.


paleo archive, peatlands, water sediment cores, climate change, carbon sequestration in wetlands, chironomids analysis, geoarchaeology


Sergey Kopytov
PhD in Geography
Vice Dean for Research, Associate Professor

Geomorphology and Paleogeography

 • Remote sensing data in studying modern and burial landforms;
• UAV in geomorphological studies;
• Erosion processes and river bed evolution;
• GIS- and mathematical modeling in geomorphological and paleogeographic studies;
• River and reservoir bank transformation;
• GPR-survey at studying ancient and burial landforms;
• Environmental risks in littoral zone.

late pleistocene, holocene, landforms, floodplain, terrace, erosion, river bed, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), GIS-modeling


Sergei Kopytov
PhD in Geography
Vice Dean for Research, Associate Professor

Text Analytics in Human Geography

 • Studying perception of geographical space by text analysis methods of unstructured data
• Running the diagnostics and analyzing key problems, providing sentiment analysis of human activity, analyzing territorial challenges, studying the perception of territory by residents of other regions or countries
• Applying text analysis methods to assess the quality of life, improve management and territorial planning, develop territorial marketing programs, and identify characteristics of target markets
• Studying mental space of tourism and recreation via creating databases, conducting text analysis, components analysis, providing geospatial and temporal analysis

text analysis, machine learning (ML), PolyAnalyst, mental space of tourism, recreation, sentiment analysis


Evgeniy Konyshev
PhD in Geography
Head of the Department of Human Geography
Associate Professor
WoS ResearcherID (GSE-5440-2022)
ScopusAuthorID (57222509746)
ORCID (0000-0002-7774-1670)

Collective Electronic and Magnetic Phenomena in Solids and Nanocomposites

 • Linear and non-linear wave phenomena in condensed matter. Analyzing spin waves and magnetic solitons, and similar collective phenomena in solids.
• Developing and analyzing continuum-based models of the magnetics and carbon materials. Predicting energy spectra, optical and thermodynamic properties.
• Simulation of spin dynamics by the quantum and classical approaches. Modeling NMR and EPR free induction decay signals, spin echo, using the microscopic-based dynamic equations.

diluted magnetic semiconductors, spin dynamics, spin waves, carbon nanomaterials


Waste Management System in Arctic Zone

 • Building circular economy in Arctic regions
• Shaping criteria and parameters of circular economy operation under extreme conditions
• Sharing experience in creating an effective waste management system in the Arctic zone
• Exploring relevant issues of international and interregional cooperation in Arctic territories
• Studying the role of business and civil society in achieving sustainable development and solving social and environmental problems of subpolar territories
• Enhancing regional capacity of the Arctic zone including ways of capitalization, sustainable use and effective reproduction

circular economy, regional policy, Arctic zone, international cooperation in the Arctic, production and consumption waste


Vyacheslav Stolbov
PhD in Geography
Associate Professor
Researcher ID: AAC-9473-2020;
SPIN-код: 1762–4189;
AuthorID: 118820

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