IPR Smart This is a full-text database containing educational and scientific publications in various disciplines, fiction and business literature, as well as about 700 titles of Russian and foreign journals, over 33,000 audio and video files.
IPR Smart can be used both online and offline. To use it off-line, one needs to install the IPRbooks BFF Reader special software (supported for all versions of Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android). The IPRbooks Mobile Reader application for a personal mobile device can be downloaded from the App Store or Play Market.
For visually impaired persons, a related version of the website and a special IPRbooks WV-Reader app have been developed, available from the App Store or the Play Market.
The Users’ Manual and Video Instructions, as well as a list of separate editions alongside the primary premium edition, are available at PSU.
Access to IPR Smart is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s private University record (ETIS);
• individual login and password after registering at IPR Smart from those gadgets connected to PSU network;
• ELiS PSU electronic library without additional registration and authorization (seamless transition to the IPR Smart website). The login and password for entering ELiS are specified in the ETIS personal account.
Access due to: December 31, 2022.

The Urait Educational Platform is a full-text database on various areas and specialties for all levels of vocational education (including higher and middle professional levels) – containing data on economics, law, engineering, natural sciences and humanities, as well as video and audio files, testing materials and services for teachers.
Online access to publications through the website, as well as access through the Urait.Library App are available (by login and password), allowing to download files to a reading gadget offline, use search engine, and read hundreds of free books from the Free Access section.
The List of available publications might be found here. Load the Urait Educational Platform at App Store or Play Market.
See also the Users’ Manual and Video Instructions.
Access to the Urait Educational Platform is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s private University record (ETIS), after registration at the Urait Educational Platform;
• individual login and password after registering at the Urait Educational Platform from those gadgets connected to PSU network;
• individual login and password after registering at the Urait Educational Platform, in a distant mode, reflecting affiliation with PSU (approved by PSU Library staff);
• ELiS PSU electronic library without additional registration and authorization (seamless transition to the IPR Smart website). The login and password for entering ELiS are specified in the ETIS personal account.
Access due to: 9 January 2023
Find more about the source here

Lan is an electronic library system of the Lan Publishing House and other leading publishers. A full-text database of educational literature and periodicals on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences.
For PSU teaching staff, free access is enabled on an indefinite permanent basis to the electronic educational literature of the the Lan and the Planet of Music Publishing Houses. Associated users have to register on the Lan Service and indicate their status as “teacher” in their personal accounts. If the personal account has already been created, a standard log in operation is required.
The Lan mobile app for iOS and Android allows users to work with available books and articles offline during the entire subscription period. Please, download the mobile app at App Store or Play Market.
The list of publications available at PSU by October 8, 2022 might be found here.
Since April 27, 2022, PSU has joined the Consortium of Network Electronic Libraries. Within the Consortium of Network Electronic Libraries, Perm State University was provided access to other universities’ collections – an additional 48,000 titles of educational and scientific literature for teachers and students in all fields of knowledge. Find more details here.
See also the Users’ Manual.
Access to the Lan Platform is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s private University record (ETIS);
• the ELiS PSU electronic library without additional registration and authorization (seamless transition to the Lan website). The login and password for entering ELiS are specified in the ETIS personal account.
Find more about the source here.
The Video Instructions on working with text on Lan might be found here.

Student’s Adviser is an electronic library system that provides access to educational literature and additional materials.
Read publications both online and offline using the mb4reader app, which can be downloaded for iOS, Android, and Windows.
The List of available publications might be found here.
Access to Student’s Adviser is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s private University record (ETIS);
• the ELiS PSU electronic library without additional registration and authorization (seamless transition to the Znanium.com website). The login and password to log in to ELiS are specified in the ETIS personal account.
Access due to: December 16, 2022 / October 31, 2022.

The Russian as a Foreign Language is a project by IPR MEDIA and the Russian World Foundation, assembling and contributing to a unique library of educational and scientific literature. The source addresses students from both Russia and abroad interested in Russian language, culture, traditions and history – providing literature access, as well as running professional events and interactive training courses. Personal registration for each group is enabled through tutors.
Access to Russian as a Foreign Language is enabled through:
• login and password from the IPRbooks Platform, that are specified in the ETIS personal account.
Access due to: August 31, 2023.

The Bibliotech is an electronic library of educational and scientific literature of dozens of national publishers.
336 titles of educational literature are open for PSU in the full text format.
The List of available publications might be found here.
The access is available only via the Internet Explorer browser exclusively; no login is carried out through other browsers. Access to the Bibliotech is enabled through:
• login and password, which can be viewed in the personal account of ETIS.
When opening a website in the Internet Explorer, ignore the security warning and click “Continue opening this website”. Detailed instructions might be found here.
Access without time restrictions.

The ELiS is an electronic multimedia PSU library, which allows the university staff and students to access educational and scientific materials through browser and mobile devices.
Other than the University community, the ELiS library offers original University data for a broader audience, mostly through open access to the Scientific Publications and Educational Publications sections, as well as Faculties and Departments.
The Publications of PSU Scholars Bibliographic Index offers the full list of papers by University faculties’ staff published in 1916-2020.
Access to ELiS is enabled through:
• login and password, which can be viewed in the personal account of ETIS.
The Instructions for accessing and using ELiS might be found here.
The terms and conditions of access to a particular publication depend on the agreement between PSU and copyright holders.

The Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU) is the largest Russian information portal in Science, Technology, Medicine, and Education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 13 million scientific articles and publications. The access to full texts is possible strictly through the electronic library website.
PSU enjoys a full-text collection subscription to 228 Russian journals, as well as pays for 31 editions.
The access to full texts pre-paid subscription at PSU is available after registration, enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• remotely with subsequent login to the platform from the university network or via VPN connection to the university network.
Pre-paid subscription access due to: December 31, 2022

The East View Information Services is the universal database of electronic periodicals, which contains sources on social sciences and humanities, military topics, national and regional Russian periodicals, Russian parliamentary publications, as publications from CIS and Baltic countries – in full compliance with the printed version, with a period of coverage from the mid-90’s to the present.
The list of journals available by subscription for PSU in 2022 might be found in the Individual Publications Section, with some archives as early as 1957.
Access to the East View Information Services is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s personal university account (ETIS).
Access due to: December 31, 2022.

Meet the Archives of Scientific Journals of the National Electronic Information Consortium (NEICON). Within the state contract with the Ministry of Education and Science, NEICON provides access to full-text archives of the leading Western scientific journals.
A total of more than 3.8 million articles from 3288 magazines from 10 full-text collections are available for PSU:
1. Annual Reviews. Archives: 1932-2006
2. Cambridge University Press. Archives: 1827-2011
3. Oxford University Press. Archives: 1849-2012.
4. Royal Society of Chemistry. Archives: 1841-2012
5. The Institute of Physics (IOP). Archives: 1874-2011
6. Nature Magazine. Archives: 1869-2011
7. Science Magazine. Archives: 1880-1996.
8. SAGE Publishing House. Archives: 1890-2011.
9. Taylor & Francis Publishing House. Archives: 1838-2012.
10. Wiley Publishing House. Archives: 1896-1996.
Find out more about publishing houses and their journals here.
Access to publishing platforms and the NEICON Archive of Scientific Journals website is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.
Access with no time restrictions.

The HR Manager’s Guide is a journal for experts and managers in HR services, as well as those interested in labor law. The journal covers issues of record keeping practice, registration of documents, personnel management and labor dispute solutions.
The source allows to read and download full versions of articles, as well as create collections of preferred publications, using the database archive since 2014.
Access to HR Manager’s Guide is enabled through:
• login and password, which can be obtained in the scientific and methodological department via e-mail: nmo@psu.ru.
Access due to: December 31, 2022

The Accreditation in Education is a federal information and analytical journal that covers most urgent issues of modern education. Since its first issue in 2005, the journal has established itself as a leader among dedicated federal media regarding the quality of education.
In addition to the latest issues (a total of 8 published per year), an archive of publications from 2009 to 2020, as well as its early issues (since 2015, through PDF format) are available through the journal’s website.
Access to the Accreditation in Education is enabled through:
• login and password, specified in the ETIS personal account.
Access due to: December 31, 2022

The National Electronic Library (NEL) is a federal state information system that enables creation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space.
The NEL presents books translated into electronic form, including rare and valuable publications, manuscripts, dissertations, abstracts, monographs, editions, sheet music, cartographic publications, patents and periodicals. Over two thirds of the NEL collection is available in reading format through its website or mobile app, available at App Store or Play Market. In addition, the NEL has opened free access to the Collection of the Best Popular Science Books.
Find out more about the source here.
See also the Instructions for reading full text dissertations, available through:
• PSU library computers (using a dedicated software);
• authorization through Gosuslugi Russian State Services, using computers and mobile devices is temporarily available due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation.
Access with no time restrictions.

The Antiplagiat is an automatic system checking texts for plagiarism, using publicly available online sources.
Please, contact the Antiplagiat Administrator at PSU Valery Metelkin at mvm@psu.ru.
The schedule of free webinars might be found here.
Access to the Antiplagiat is enabled through:
• login and password, obtained from Faculty representatives:
See the List of Representatives of Faculties with Administrator Rights of the Anti-Plagiarism System (providing logins and passwords to users with “Teacher” and “Student” status, for checking student papers).
See also the List of Representatives of Departments with the Rights of an Expert of the Anti-Plagiarism System (providing verification of research papers of employees, other than students).
Access due to: June 3, 2023

The ConsultantPlus is a computer system for searching and working with legal information, containing hundreds of documents of federal and regional legislation, as well as court decisions, financial advice, comments on legislation and other useful information.
Access due to: PSU Library computers.

The EBSCOhost is an online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. The databases available PSU include:
Academic Search Premier, a multidisciplinary database, providing full texts in active mode to over 3,100 journals, of which 2,750 are peer-reviewed titles.
The MEDLINE Complete contains extensive medical information on therapy, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, preclinical research, and more. The database is the world’s largest source of full-text medical journals, providing full-text information from more than 1,800 journals indexed in the MEDLINE, most of them containing full-text versions. Depth of coverage: since 1865.
The eBook Collection allows search and browse search and browse of eBooks’ full texts. Some eBooks from the EBSCOhost eBook Collection are available for PSU, with login instructions and a list of titles available.
The eBook Open Access Collection enlists those items available for public domain.
The OpenDissertations is an open access database designed to help researchers find dissertations and abstracts. Created with support from the H.W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives, the database includes the previously published EBSCO collection of American Doctoral Dissertations as well as additional dissertation metadata provided by select colleges and universities from all over the world. The database contains graduate works published from the early twentieth century to the present, and is regularly updated, including new partnership agreements with degree-granting institutions.
A search for a particular database can be selected from the EBSCOhost home page.
Access is enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address;
• login and password of the student’s private University record (ETIS).

The Springer Nature is an international publisher founded in 2015 after the Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media had been united – publishing journals, encyclopedias, books, and electronic products on science and medicine, with over 9,000 books and 3,000 journals published annually at its sources. The Springer Nature publishes more than 50% of all Russian publications abroad.
The following Springer Nature resources are available at PSU:
The SpringerLink The – an online platform that provides access to the following collections of Springer Nature Publishers:
The Springer books, the full-text collection of electronic books by Springer Nature publishing house, published in 2019 in various fields of knowledge, as well as the full-text archive of Springer Nature Publisher e-books published from 2005 – 2010 in various branches of knowledge, with no time limit access.
The Springer Journals, the full-text collection of over 3,000 e-journals from 1997-2019, with no time limit access.
The Springer Materials, the most comprehensive database describing the properties and characteristics of materials. The database accumulates information from such disciplines as materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, mechanical engineering, etc.
The Springer Protocols and Methods, containing reproducible biomedical protocols and methods, since 1980. Most of its sources are books and journals from Springer Nature.
The Nano, a unique resource of SpringerNature publishing house, which offers most relevant and structured information on nanotechnology from journals with high impact factor and patents. The database currently contains about 300,000 papers from over 170 highly ranked peer-reviewed journals by leading publishers – AAAS, ACS, Elsevier, RSC, Springer Nature, and Wiley.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Bentham Science publishes scientific content in technology and medicine, providing academic researchers and professionals with the latest information in medicine, pharmacology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, chemistry and engineering.
The Bentham Science currently publishes more than 130 journals and 900 books in both electronic and print formats.
The Bentham Science Publishers Books is a full-text e-book collection by Bentham Science Publishers, which holds titles in chemistry, physics, materials science, astronomy, optics, photonics, energy, engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science and computing, medicine, pharmacology, environmental studies, business, economics, finance, etc., with the depth of access from 2004 to 2022, and list of publications available (xlsx).
The Bentham Science Publishers Journals, a full-text collection of scientific, technical, and medical publications by Bentham Science Publishers, covering fields from chemistry and chemical technology engineering, pharmaceutical research and development, and medicine to social sciences. The database depth of access is from 2000 to 2022. Please, see the list of available publications here (xlsx).
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Academic Reference is a single search platform for research papers in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
This is the most comprehensive English-language database combining the following full-text documents and bibliographic data:
• 250 English journals published in the PRC and 162 bilingual journals;
• PH.D and master’s dissertations of leading Chinese universities: Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Nanjing University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Peking University, Shanghai University, etc;
• papers from international and Chinese conferences (national and regional levels);
• more than 700 books in English from the world’s leading publishers: Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press, ProQuest, PubMed, etc;
• over 13 million papers;
• English-Chinese Glossary.
The database covers all major disciplinary areas: technical sciences and technology, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, arts, including: mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, astronomy, metallurgy, materials science, mining, construction, transportation, digital and information technology, robotics, electronics, energy, environment, agriculture, military affairs, literature, philosophy, history, education, sociology, political science, law, medicine and health, economics, business.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

Founded in 1991 by William Begell, a renowned American scientist and researcher in nuclear physics and chemistry, the Begell House is an academic publisher dealing with engineering and biomedical sciences.
The Begell House currently publishes 48 journals and about 10 new books, annually. All journals are peer-reviewed.
The Begell Engineering Research Collection is a full-text collection of Begell House Publishers that includes journals, conference proceedings, monographs, reference books and databases on engineering and related fields: chemistry, physics, materials science, computer science, etc.
The depth of access is 1982 to 2022.
The Engineering Research Collection includes 28 active periodicals, 14 of which are indexed in both Scopus and the Web of Science Core Collection, and 7 are in the Q1 or Q2 quartiles of Scopus (CiteScore). In addition, the collection includes book series, several reference works, THERMOPEDIA and Directory of Specialists databases.
The collection includes full-text journal articles and abstracts, e-books, conference proceedings, yearbooks, and dictionaries in the following subject areas: automation, astrophysics, biology, computer science, natural sciences, health care, computer science, cybernetics, space research, cultural studies, mathematics, mechanical engineering, medicine, mechanics, nanoscience, nanotechnology, oil and gas, radio astronomy, radio engineering, radio physics, communications, sociology, engineering, exact sciences, physics, chemical engineering, chemical technology, electronics, electrical engineering, energy, including nuclear engineering.
List of available journals (xlsx).
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The World Scientific Publishing is a leading international independent publisher of books and journals for the scientific, research, and professional communities. The World Scientific collaborates with prestigious organizations such as the Nobel Foundation and the US National Academies Press, and is the exclusive publisher of the Nobel Lectures. The Publisher’s main areas of research include physics and astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, computer science, engineering, ecology, medicine, business and economics.
The World Scientific Complete eJournal Collection is a multidisciplinary, full-text collection of international scientific journals by the World Scientific Publishing that covers such topics as mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, life sciences, medicine, and social sciences. Special attention is paid to Asian and Pacific Studies through an access to a group of Asian Studies journals. The depth of access is from 2001 to 2022 (from 2022 and further on, permanently).
List of available materials (xlsx)
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The SAGE Publication is the world’s leading independent academic and professional publisher, offering more than 650 journals and 800 books in such fields as natural sciences, business, social sciences, technology and medicine.
At PSU, the SAGE Premier provides an access to a full-text collection of more than 1,000 peer-reviewed journals. The collection includes international peer-reviewed journals, including more than 500 publications from scientific and professional societies in various fields of knowledge, such as gerontology, anthropology, archaeology, art, medicine, law, geography, physics, international relations, politics, and sociology.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The John Wiley & Sons, Inc., also known as Wiley, is an international organization keen on academic publications for professionals, students and teachers in higher education, researchers, scientists, and health professionals.
The Wiley Journal Database is a full-text collection of journals that includes 1,498 titles. The database content provides extensive coverage across disciplines including chemistry, physics, engineering, agriculture, veterinary science, food studies, medicine, nursing, dentistry, life sciences, psychology, business, economics, social sciences, arts, humanities.
An unlimited number of full texts for educational and scientific purposes are open for download, to be saved and used further.
The Users’ Manual in English, as well as manual and video instructions for use in Russian are available.
Access able through: remote access via a Wiley Online Library account (please, use the University network, first).
A log in to a personal profile on the Wiley platform from PSU network is required; the account will be automatically linked then to Perm State University. A full access to the Wiley resources for 60 days will be allowed off-campus then, by logging into a personal Wiley Online Library account. To extend the access, the user needs to log in to his/her personal account at least once every 60 days, using Perm State University network. Please, register your account on the publisher’s website (button in the upper right screen corner).
Remote access via a Wiley Online Library account (linking via corporate email**)
The Wiley Online Library profile needs to be registered using the corporate (work) email address, followed by further confirmation. The access will be valid for 60 days on. The access status and its renewal might are available at the “Affiliation with Organizations” page of the personal Wiley Online Library profile.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a worldwide organization for specialists in radioelectronics, control systems, and computer engineering.
The full-text IEEE/IEL database contains 195 IEEE journals, over 30 IET publications, proceedings from over 1,800 conferences, and technical standards.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Cochrane is a nonprofit organization, a network of medical and health care researchers and professionals from more than 130 countries who publish their work in the Cochrane Library.
The Cochrane Library is aimed at practicing physicians, nursing staff, and health care professionals and allows them to find information on clinical trials, Cochrane reviews, non-Cochrane systematic reviews, methodological studies, and technological and economic evaluations on a particular topic or disease.
The Library files are available either on the main site or by downloading a PDF file.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) contains peer-reviewed systematic feedbacks and protocols for Cochrane health reviews as well as editorials. The CDSR is updated regularly, and Cochrane reviews are published ‘as available’ in a form of monthly issues.
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a bibliographic database of randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials (research) used in the preparation of Cochrane systematic reviews. Entries in the CENTRAL database are generated from bibliographic databases as well as other published and unpublished sources. In addition to bibliographic data, CENTRAL records often include a summary of the article.
The Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) contain concise, evidence-based answers to clinical questions about the patient, intrusion/treatment, comparison and result.
Each entry contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to delve into the data from the relevant Cochrane reviews. The evidence is displayed in a user-friendly format.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is an annually updated database that contains data on the structure of crystalline, organic and organometallic compounds (online and offline versions), and a set of programs to operate them for biologists, chemists and crystallographers. Please, see the detailed source description here.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The Orbit Intelligence Premium is a patent search database bringing together information on over 122 million patent publications from 111 local, regional and international patent offices, including RosPatent, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the European Patent Organization.
The detailed information on the database and its every collection might be found here. The database software is designed for both professional patent practitioners and a wide range of researchers.
Not only does the database include registered patents but also documents from the application form till the registration stage. Most of the documents have annotations in English; the full texts of the documents are given in their original language.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The American Chemical Society is a U.S.A scientific organization that brings together researchers working in the field of chemistry.
A collection of 18 journals in chemistry and related sciences – organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, applied chemistry and chemical technology is available at PSU.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The SciFindern is an online service of CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society for searching and analyzing information in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, genetics, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, geology, metallurgy and other related disciplines.
The SciFindern also provides results ranked by relevance, step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, bio-sequencing searches, retrosynthesis, patent landscape mapping, and more through a simple and easy-to-use interface.
The platform may be considered as the only trusted source for accurate identification of chemicals and related chemical structures, names, regulatory information and properties, including CAS registration numbers, as well as chemical reaction diagrams, step-by-step descriptions of experimental procedures, detailed conditions and product yield data.
The platform offers new opportunities for chemists and specialists in molecular biology, genetics, and other life sciences.
Access due to: February 28, 2023
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.
Additional registration is required.
• Previously registered users can use their previous logins and passwords to log in.
• New users registered at the University email** (@psu.ru) can register by following the link.
• Users who do not have a university email are required to contact PSU Library at solar@psu.ru, indicating their name, position and department (for employees), or faculty, course and department (for students). They will be sent an invitation link for the registration within a following working day. Learn more about the resource here.

The American Institute of Physics is one of the leading publishers in the field of physics.
The publications cover related fields of knowledge – optics, acoustics, nuclear and mathematical physics, liquid and gas physics, geophysics, technical mechanics, astronomy, chemical and biomedical physics, electrical engineering, energy, electronics, computer technology and instrument manifacture.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

The MathSciNet® is the bibliographic database of the American Mathematical Society. The MathSciNet® offers search and access opportunities for carefully selected synopses, abstracts, and bibliographic information. Each year, the database is updated with more than 100, 000 records, most of which are accompanied by principal terms from the Mathematics Subject Classification. Authors of publications possess a unique identifier (MR Author ID), which makes it easier to find their publications. Continuing the tradition of Mathematical Reviews (MR), published since 1940, the editorial board selects experts to write reviews, thanks to which about 80,000 reviews are added to the database every year. The MathSciNet® contains over 3.9 million records, including bibliographic records for documents dating back to the 1800s, and over 2.6 million direct citations from original articles. The MathSciNet® maintains a scientific citation index based on ~650 publications, which allows you to explore the history of the development of scientific ideas. See more for details here.
List of refereed publications: load via CSV
User’s manuals (in English): MSN QuickStart Guide and An Expert Guide to Searching.
Access enabled through:
• PSU network, using local IP address;
• VPN connection to PSU network, using local IP address.

Via ACM Digital Library platform, the Association for Computing Machinery provides public access to 50-years archive (1951-2000), containing more than 117,500 articles on a wide range of computer topics, as well as datasets, software, slides, audio recordings, and video.
The Association for Computing Machinery was founded on September 15, 1947, and is an educational and scientific society that brings together teachers, researchers and professionals in the field of computing, information and computer technology.
The List of available publications might be found here.
Info materials recommended:
User’s Manual
Video Tutorial
Youtube Channel
Authors FAQ

The Hindawi Publishing was founded in 1997 in Egypt. Since 2007, the publishing house keeps permanent digitalization of its collections, providing open access to its journals.
The Hindawi’s current portfolio includes 300 peer-reviewed scientific journals in life sciences, medicine and pharmacology, physical sciences, social sciences and education, mathematics, engineering and computer science.
The Hindawi fully supports the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (PMH) Protocol 2.0, which is a low-barrier repositories communication mechanism.
With the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol 2.0, the metadata of all published articles by the publisher is available through the OAI-PMH interface.
In the section Open and Free Content on JSTOR and Artstor, the JSTOR platform provides open access resources from museums, archives, libraries, publishers, universities, political institutions and other organizations.
The Open Access Journals collection holds about 2,000 journals covering humanities, social and natural sciences. The Open Access books on JSTOR collection features over 7,800 open access e-books from 90 publishers including Brill, Cornell University Press, De Gruyter and the University of California Press.
As a result of partnerships with El Colegio de México Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP), Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) and Latin American bookseller García Cambeiro, the collection has been supplemented with multiple editions in Spanish.
The Open Research Reports section contains over 39,000 research reports from 140 institutions around the world. The reports contain analysis of the most relevant issues such as climate change, cybersecurity, energy policy, international relations, terrorism, and various public health issues, including COVID-19.
The Collections section provides data from 1,000 library collections of various institutions integrated into the JSTOR platform, as a part of a joint free access partners program.
Free read-online access is available to individual users registered on the JSTOR platform, allowing to view up to 100 restricted documents, monthly.

The ChemSpider is an open database on chemical structure by the Royal Society of Chemistry, providing quick access to over 100 million structures, properties and related information. Integrating and linking compounds from hundreds of high-quality data sources, ChemSpider enables researchers to find the most comprehensive freely available chemistry data with a single online search.
The ChemSpider offers a wide range of search opportunities – from text search by title, trade name and registration number to structural search. The system also provides data curation and annotation services. 2D and 3D images of chemical structures can be saved to computer in mol format.
Registered users enjoy access to advanced ChemSpider features, such as creating personal pages, loading structure sets of personal preference online, adding data, links, videos, etc., as well as publishing feedbacks through the ChemSpider SyntheticPages.
The platform is integrated with the Royal Society of Chemistry, PubMed and Google Scholar databases, and contains direct links to publications.
Open Access link

Founded in 2003, the Dove Medical Press has been a part of Taylor & Francis since 2017. The publishing house specializes in publication of peer-reviewed open access medical journals. The publisher’s portfolio contains 135 journals that publish articles on the following topics: allergies and respiratory diseases, biological sciences, dentistry, endocrinology and diabetes, gastroenterology and hepatology, genetics, hematology, infectious diseases, forensic science and ethics, nephrology, nutrition, oncology, pharmacology, psychiatry and psychology, cardiovascular diseases, dermatology, epidemiology and public health, general medicine, musculoskeletal system, medical devices and technologies, neurology, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology and optometry, pediatric and adolescent medicine, physical sciences, surgery, analgesia, anesthesia and emergency medical care.
The Dove Medical Press journals and information for authors on publishing papers in public domain are available here. See the link to Open Access section here.
In addition, in 2013, Taylor & Francis launched the Open Access Book program, allowing to publish books, monographs, conference proceedings, textbooks, and chapters for open access. The Publisher’s portfolio includes more than 1600 publications and 18540 chapters in the field of humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, local history, politics and international law, economics and finance, environment, geography, education, art, computer science, medicine, etc.
Publications are accessed through the Taylor & Francis eBooks platform, which offers its users a wide range of search options, including selection of titles by thematic collections and publishers – Routledge, CRC Press, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Routledge India, Taylor & Francis, Auerbach Publications, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Informa Law from Routledge, Birkbeck Law Press, and Psychology Press.
Some of the publisher’s books are available through the Google Scholar search engine and the Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) online library.

Initially founded in 1886, the Thieme Medical Publishing Group currently unites several dedicated publishers, and has offices in different cities globally, including New York, Delhi, Rio de Janeiro, Stuttgart, etc.
The Thieme Medical Publishing Group publishes scientific literature in chemistry and a wide range of medical specialties, including neurosurgery, endocrinology, radiology, and more.
In 2011, the Publisher launched its first open access journal, the American Journal of Perinatology Reports; in 2013, it launched the Thieme Open, an open platform for accessing content from the Thieme publishing group.
The portfolio reflects the Thieme’s international character and unites 63 fully open access journals (e.g. Asian Journal of Oncology, The Arab Journal of Interventional Radiology, Brazilian Neurosurgery, Indian Journal of Neurosurgery, etc.), as well as 54 hybrid journals, including 17 journals in German.
Librarians will find info on the Library Service page to help inform their users about the Thieme’s open access resources.
Link to Open Access
List of Publications Available

The portfolio by the Wiley Publishing house includes about 230 ‘golden’ open access journals, and more than 1,300 hybrid journals that publish articles on architecture, astronomy, agriculture, medicine, mathematics, physics, law, ecology, economics, etc.
All research papers published in the Wiley Open Access journals are immediately available for free reading and downloading from the Wiley Online Library – an interface that provides a wide range of search options for selecting publications of interest, using a simple yet advanced search, as well as filters by type of publication, date, or subject, etc.
Link to Open Access