Summer Schools &
Internships 2021
Summer schools
DEPARTMENT: Faculty of Philology.
DURATION: 2 weeks.
DATES: July (first half).
SUMMER SCHOOL FEE: The approximate costs of the summer school is 10 000 -12 000 RUB per person.
PROJECT DETAILS: The programme contains intensive course of Russian language for foreigners (4 hour per day). Language study will combine with the excursions to the most famous and culturally valuable places in Perm and Perm region (Ethnographic Museum in Khokhlovka, Kungur Ice Cave, Perm Art Gallery etc.). The students will have an opportunity to learn more about Russian history and traditions.
PROJECT LEADERS: Prof. Boris Kondakov, Dean of Faculty of Philology, (; Ekaterina Kliuikova, Deputy Dean for International Affairs (
APPLICANT PROFILE: The interns should be from an appropriate field of study: Russian language. Skills required: Russian language minimum A1.
GENERAL INFORMATION: The Summer school consists of the fieldwork and the material processing stage. The fieldwork is held at the areas surrounding Perm and includes geophysical and geological surveys. The obtained materials are then processed and interpreted at the Perm State University. The final task is to compose a geological report.
DEPARTMENT: Geophysics Department, Faculty of Geology.
DURATION: 2 weeks.
DATES: July 2021 (second half).
SUMMER SCHOOL FEE: The approximate costs of the summer school is 10 000 – 12 000 RUB per person.
PROJECT DETAILS: The summer school starts with the instructions day when the interns are provided with the basic common and geologic knowledge of Perm region. The fieldwork starts with the four days of geophysical explorations and continues with the routes to the outcrops near Perm. The last five days are designated for the information processing and interpretation, making a geologic map and completing a report.
PROJECT LEADER: Lev Pleshkov, Deputy Dean for International Affairs (
APPLICANT PROFILE: Students should be from an appropriate field of study: Geophysics, Structural Geology. Skills required: knowledge of any mapping software is preferred, as well as the ability to climb relatively steep outcrops, taking and describing rock samples. No knowledge of Russian is necessary. The language of instructions is English. It is very important for the interns to have vaccinations: tick-borne encephalitis, diphtheria, tetanus.
DEPARTMENT: Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology.
DURATION: 2 weeks.
DATES: July 2021 (second half).
SUMMER SCHOOL FEE: The approximate costs of the summer school is 12 000 – 14 000 RUB per person.
PROJECT DETAILS: The programme contains intensive course of history of Russian culture. The programme consists of several topics (lectures, workshops and excursions): History and Culture of Perm, Russian Medieval Icons and Monumental Painting, Russian Medieval Icons and Sculptures, Russian Medieval Architecture, Russian Wood Medieval Architecture, Russian Art (XVIII – XIX), Russian Art (XVIII – XIX), Russian Avant-garde, Russian Contemporary Art, Soviet Art after WWII, Soviet Monumental Art in Perm, Academic Painting Workshop, Open Air Sketching Workshop, Russian National Ornament Workshop. Study programme will combine with the excursions to the most famous and culturally valuable places in Perm and Perm region (Ethnographic Museum in Khokhlovka, Kungur Ice Cave, Perm Art Gallery etc.). The students will have an opportunity to learn more about history of Russian culture.
PROJECT LEADERS: Prof. Elena Berezina, Head of Cultural Studies Department (; Prof. Natalia Fokina, Summer School Coordinator (
APPLICANT PROFILE: The interns should be from an appropriate field of study: Cultural and Art Studies. No knowledge of Russian is necessary. The language of instructions is English.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Perm State University is offering six-week scientific research internship programme in the field of fluid mechanics to the current matriculated students of University of Oxford. In addition to research programme, the interns will have a complimentary package of various extracurricular activities such as a city break tour around Perm, a tour to unique Kungur Ice Cave (a finalist in the contest “Seven Wonders of Russia”), a visit to the open air ethnographic museum Khokhlovka (17th-19th century architecture of Perm region), the Museum of the History of Political Repression Perm-36, the only remaining example of a Gulag labor camp. Interns will also be able to attend Russian language classes either to start working on Russian or mastering the existing skills. There`ll also be Russian students on hand to help show the Oxford interns around.
DEPARTMENT: Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Physics.
DURATION: 6 weeks.
DATES: June-August 2021.
PROJECT DETAILS: Research topic – Peculiarities of heat and mass transfer in ferrofluids. At first, in the framework of the training course it is planned to derive the system of hydrodynamics equations (briefly). Then, there will be the introduction into the theory of hydrodynamics stability. The third step is to solve any problem of convective stability in a field of multicomponent fluid dynamics. The material on this topic has many applications and it can be important in the future for the students who specialize in different branches of material science.
PROJECT LEADER: Professor Vitaly Demin, Head of Theoretical Physics Department (
APPLICANT PROFILE: Interns (2-year students) should be from an appropriate field of study: continuous media mechanics, i.e. fluid dynamics. Skills required: mathematical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, tensor analysis. The language of instructions is English.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Perm State University is offering the Computational Physics Summer Internship that contains the following topics: Introduction to fluid dynamics and numerical methods; Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP on Fortran/C; Introduction to CFD with OpenFOAM; Introduction to Parallel CFD computing using ANSYS Fluent. In addition, the interns will have a complimentary package of various extracurricular activities such as a city break tour around Perm, a tour to unique Kungur Ice Cave (a finalist in the contest “Seven Wonders of Russia”), a visit to the open air ethnographic museum Khokhlovka (17th-19th century architecture of Perm region), the Museum of the History of Political Repression Perm-36, the only remaining example of a Gulag labor camp. Interns will also be able to attend Russian language classes either to start working on Russian or mastering the existing skills. There`ll also be Russian students on hand to help show the Oxford interns around.
DEPARTMENT: Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Physics.
DURATION: 6 weeks.
DATES: June-August 2021.
PROJECT DETAILS: At the first stage the basic principles and equations of hydrodynamics: the law of mass conservation, the equation of a non-viscous fluid motion (Euler equation), the equation of a viscous fluid motion (Navier-Stokes equations), the equation of heat transfer, etc. will be considered. The second part is the analysis of spatial discretization methods: finite difference method, finite volume method, weighted residual analysis, idea of finite element and spectral methods, consistency, stability, convergence. Introduction to the parallel programming with the help of supercomputers will be given. The focus is on the usage of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP) for computational fluid dynamics. Parallelization of discrete schemes will be considered using the examples of hydrodynamic solutions. OpenFOAM is free, open source software for computational fluid dynamics which has a large user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organizations. Our course will help students to become familiar with the OpenFOAM environment, to understand the solvers settings and boundary conditions, mesh generation technique, post-processing tools and visualization and other aspects. The course will deal with ANSYS Fluent, one of the world leader CFD software that gives you the tools to successfully simulate the behavior of fluid flows – even with complex interactions between multiple physics – and confidently analyze results. The Microfluidics research laboratory focuses on the study of fluids behavior in micro- and nanoscales and the development of microfluidic devices that are also called ‘Lab-on-a-Chip’. This technology is used in various branches of science to solve a wide range of problems such as DNA sequencing, pollution detection, biological research, electrophoresis etc.
PROJECT TUTORS: Prof. Konstantin Gavrilov, Dean of the Faculty of Physics (; Prof. Andrey Ivantsov; Prof. Alexey Alabuzhev.
APPLICANT PROFILE: The interns (2-3 year students) should be from an appropriate field of study: continuous media mechanics, i.e. fluid dynamics. Skills required: mathematical analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, computational methods. The language of instructions is English.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Perm State University is offering a challenging six-week internship programme in microbiology/immunology/ecology to the current matriculated students of University of Oxford. In addition, the interns will have a complimentary package of various extracurricular activities such as a city break tour around Perm, a tour to unique Kungur Ice Cave (a finalist in the contest “Seven Wonders of Russia”), a tour to the open air ethnographic museum Khokhlovka (17th-19th century architecture of Perm region), to the Museum of the History of Political Repression Perm-36, the only remaining example of a Gulag labour camp, etc. Interns will also be able to attend Russian language classes either to start working on Russian or mastering the existing skills. There`ll also be Russian students on hand to help show the Oxford interns around.
DEPARTMENT: Microbiology & Immunology Department, Faculty of Biology.
DURATION: 6 weeks.
DATES: June-August 2021.
PROJECT DETAILS: Mining for microbes with promising biotechnological properties. The project is related to the environmental microbiology & biotechnology. Students will explore the amazing diversity of hydrocarbon-oxidising bacteria (HOBs) in anthropogenically disturbed environments and evaluate their metabolic potential for biotechnology and bioremediation. Classical microbiology & biochemistry techniques as well as modern molecular genetics, advanced respirometry, and newly established combined atomic force/confocal laser scanning microscopy methods will be used for bacterial characterization. The project results will contribute to our better understanding of the mechanisms of bacterial survival in contaminated environments and xenobiotic biodegradation and will help to develop enhanced bioremediation technologies.
PROJECT LEADER: Prof. Maria Kuyukina, Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
APPLICANT PROFILE: Interns (1-2 year students) should be from an appropriate field of study: biology, microbiology, ecology. No knowledge of Russian is necessary. The language of instructions is English.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Perm State University is offering a challenging six-week internship programme in museum studies and archaeology to the current matriculated students of University of Oxford. In addition, the interns will have a complimentary package of various extracurricular activities such as a city break tour around Perm, a tour to unique Kungur Ice Cave (a finalist in the contest “Seven Wonders of Russia”), a tour to the open air ethnographic museum Khokhlovka (17th-19th century architecture of Perm region), to the Museum of the History of Political Repression Perm-36, the only remaining example of a Gulag labour camp, etc. Interns will also be able to attend Russian language classes either to start working on Russian or mastering the existing skills. There`ll also be Russian students on hand to help show the Oxford interns around.
DEPARTMENT: Faculty of History and Political Science, Museum of History of Perm University.
DURATION: 6 weeks.
DATES: June-August 2021.
PROJECT DETAILS: The Perm University History Museum has existed since 1973 and possesses rich museum collections that have been carefully picked and classified for more than 100 years, exceeding 50,000 pieces. Among the collection gems are ancient Greek and Egyptian bronze objects, collection of ancient and Medieval glass, bones and ceramics, exhibits of Old Russian and Eastern decorative art, Western European graphics, old-printed books and coins.
Kama archaeological expedition of Perm State University was founded in 1947 by Otto Bader, one of the oldest scientific archaeological schools in the Urals. In the course of time, several hundred archaeological monuments belonging to various archaeological cultures were revealed and investigated on the territory of Perm region illuminating different stages of the material culture development of ancient population of the Urals.
Internship at the Museum includes the following types of activities: attribution of old printed books in Latin, Old German, Greek and English; attribution of archaeological collection; digitizing and creating 3D models of exhibits, printing and publishing the results with the use of the SketchFab platform in collaboration with the Centre for Digital Humanities Perm University; participation in the archaeological excavations of the ancient Iron Age settlement of Perm (camping); mastering the methods of field archaeological research in practice; attribution and cameral treatment of excavation samples; development and implementation of the project as part of experimental archaeology.
PROJECT LEADERS: Maria Romashova, Director, Perm University History Museum; Mikhail Pereskokov, Kama Archaeological Expedition.
APPLICANT PROFILE: The interns should be from an appropriate field of study: history and museum studies, including art, ancient history, archaeology including some basic knowledge on the archaeology of primeval time, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and the Middle Ages. The interns should be motivated and curious about history and museum having reading and translating language skills in Latin, Greek or German. Experience in participating in field archaeological research is not compulsory but desirable. No knowledge of Russian is necessary. The language of instructions is English.

The majority of my time was spent attributing the ancient coin collection of the university museum. The museums’ records were incomplete and some of the existing records contained factual errors. I was responsible for checking the existing records and correcting the errors, as well as researching the coins for which there was no information. The workers at the museum assisted me by providing me with a guide to attributing the coins as well as useful catalogues which I could make use of. In addition to attributing the coins, another one of the major projects I was involved in was creating 3D models of some of the museums’ exhibitions. This involved taking numerous pictures of the exhibitions and learning how to use 3D modelling software in order to compile the images into a single model, for which I then rendered textures and published.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Perm, and in Russia generally. I was surprised at how welcoming everybody was and if we ever had any issues, they were resolved quickly. The internship allowed for me to explore the museum sector and get an idea of what day to day life is like working in this field.
Benjamin Wolstenholme, St Anne’s College, BA Literae Humaniores
source: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME Yearbook 2019// Summer internship feedback by organization name. p 208 //

The internship involved a series of classes on different Physics topics, which were taught by different academics at Perm State University, not unlike a term at Oxford. The main teaching topics were Fluid Dynamics and Ferromagnetism, which were taught in the first four weeks of the programme. They were taught in a tutorial-like style, with a lot of questions asked by the tutors and also by us students if we didn’t understand any details. These classes were very interesting and informative, particularly those on Fluid Dynamics which will be useful for the 3rd year course in Oxford that I will be studying next year.
We would have classes in the morning, which would usually finish by 2pm. After that we would be free, but every day there would be some homework to complete for the classes the following morning. This was usually just reading a section or two from a textbook and would rarely take more than an hour and a half in total, so for the rest of the afternoon you could go into the city to shops or cafes, look around art galleries or museums, or just stay in your room and relax. There would be sports activities organised almost every weekday evening, with regular sessions of badminton, table tennis, basketball and Russian wrestling as well as occasional games of football and volleyball.
The Saturday excursions were interesting, a trip to some nearby ice caves were a highlight. We walked through caverns deep underground, in freezing temperatures, past underground lakes and ice formations and listened to interesting stories and histories of the caves from a tour guide. Also, we went on a rafting trip for one week of the internship down a river nearby to Perm. The scenery was stunning, and setting up camp and having the delicious food prepared by the guides was even more rewarding after a day of hard (but not too hard) paddling. Being outdoors was great, and a nice break from the studying in the city, despite all of the flies and mosquitos!
Daniel Haxell, MPhys Physics, The Queen’s College
See also:
Profiles on are written by students who interned at Perm State University in 2017-2019
Last update: 06.05.2020