Soft Skills and Personal strategy: What PSU Has to Offer its Alumni?
The Career Center at Perm State University has upgraded its forms of activity. Besides its primary task to search for vacancies for the PSU students and graduates, since now, it will also assist them at building a career strategy, and provide related trainings.
“Competition in the labor market requires the University graduates to be able to plan their professional progress. To enable this, it is important for them to participate in various competitions – understanding their knowledge application and learning to present themselves properly. Hence the upgrade in our Career Center’s work. As PSU benefits from its alumni’s success, we are eager to acquire it in various ways. In the fall, the Center’s staff will start workshops on how to pass an interview and write a resume,”
says Olga Maksyutenko, head of the Applicants and Graduates Department, PSU.
The Career Center will supervise PSU students who participate in federal competitions. For instance, a career game and project “Your Move” allowed its participants to talk to an experienced gamer sharing her piece of advice. A 3rd year undergraduate in Ecology and Nature Management Svetlana Polygalova has already completed the required task and, among other contestants, will travel across Russia.
For Reference:
A survey, questioning PSU alumni ‘2021 showed that 51% of them were employed at the moment of graduation. 54% of respondents had work experience in their field, already. PSU alumni viewed their careers differently: 53% were looking forward to be freelancers or run their own businesses. 43% of them intended to become hired employees.