Science and Global Challenges: PSU Geologists Research Permian Period, Globally

The Department of Dynamic Geology and Hydrogeology, Faculty of Geology (PSU) has hosted for the International Conference “Fundamental and Applied Research of Permian Field of Earth” within the framework of the “Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century” International Forum. The Conference took place online, all reports were presented in English language.
Dr. Boris Osovetsky, Professor of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography, Head of the Laboratory of Mineralogical and Petrographic Research at PSU Institute of Natural Sciences analyzed mineral associations in Pre-Kama sandstones.
Ivan Khopta, Senior Lecturer, Department of Regional and Petroleum Geology, PSU, and Pavel Popov, 4th year student of the Faculty of Geology, PSU, presented a study of organic matter deposits in the Jurassic.

Vitaly Goldyrev, PhD student and engineer of the Laboratory of Geology of Sedimentary and Technogenic Deposits, Department of Geology, PSU Institute of Natural Sciences, presented a report on the resource potential of a gold-copper-porphyry deposit in the Philippines.
The participants of the Conference particularly regarded efficient nature management and environmental solutions:
Dr. Alexander Nekrasov conducted a case-study of oil production at the Lekkerskoye oilfield of Timano-Pechorskaya Province (Russia). Innovative geographical techniques for long-term monitoring of oil-and-gas wells have been presented by a team of scientists lead by Dr. Vladimir Kostitsyn, PSU. Dr. Pavel Krasilnikov and research fellows Olga Meshcheryakova and Oksana Kletskina assessed the impact of industrial waste disposal facility and groundwater conditions within the Kirovo-Chepetskiy industrial hub (Russia).