Mikhail Baklanov, Head of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, PSU presented his research in Aquatic Bio-Resources and Aquaculture in St. Petersburg, Russia.
PSU scholar took part in the round table “Will ‘Generation Z’ Go Fishing? The Problems of Education and Science”, as a part of the IV Global Fishery Forum and Seafood Expo Russia.
Experts in all areas of the fishing industry took part in the event – fishing and processing companies, aquaculture and mariculture enterprises, developers of equipment for processing, fishing, shipbuilding, repair and equipment, food and additives’ manufacturers.
“Attracting young people to fish farming is possible on several terms. Transformation of job placements is crucial if we want workers to stay healthy, helping them fulfil their creative potential. So, digitalization and robotization of technological process looks like a necessary and attainable solution. State bodies and big businesses have already started to actively move into this direction, due to an acute shortage of qualified specialists,”
shares Mikhail Baklanov.
Ichthyology is one of the strongest points and key areas of research at the Faculty of Biology, Perm State University. Since 1936, more than 1,000 thousand people became graduates in ichthyology. Regardless of the specific field, all of them are multi-task specialists universals, capable of working at science and research institutions, as well as involved in fish farming, rational fishing and nature conservation.