On 2-3 December, Mr. Tobias Stüdemann, Freie Universität Berlin – Moscow Office met Perm State University representatives to discuss academic communication and science diplomacy. The expert spoke about the story of Freie Universität Berlin, which promotes the principal value of academic freedom; he also gave practical advice on how to establish and maintain academic contacts with German colleagues. According to Mr. Tobias Stüdemann, successful cooperation between the University and its partners depends on a key ability to correctly present one’s research to international academic community.
During the visit, Mr. Tobias Stüdemann met the team of the Department for Scientific and Innovation Activities to discuss the principles of conducting scientific research in Russia and Germany, as well as the general rules of cooperation with German scholars and specifics of educational process at Freie Universität Berlin. At the end of the event, Mr. Tobias Stüdemann elaborated upon scientific diplomacy in Russia and Germany with the staff of the International Academic Cooperation Office, PSU.
“We are much obliged to Mr. Tobias Stüdemann for sharing a valuable piece of advice on how to effectively collaborate with colleagues from Germany. This will surely help our researchers establish long-term cooperation between Russia and Germany, testing it in joint grant competitions, as teams,”
says Natalya Dobrynina, Head of the International Academic Cooperation Office, PSU.
The visit by the German expert to Perm State University has been organized by the Department of International Academic Cooperation, PSU as part of the Rational Subsoil Use REC, and its international activity, in particular.