Ovezberdi Sabyrov (Turkmenistan), a 3rd-year student of the Faculty of Chemistry, Perm State University, kept his temper and did his best to evacuate a group of students off campus.
At the moment of the tragedy of 20 September, Ovezberdi was on the ground floor, was waiting for the classes to start. Suddenly, he heard the sound of gunfire, and saw students running by, shouting. When the international student saw the shooter saw the guard wounded, it became clear there was no joke involved, and the situation was serious.
Ovezberdi understood it was extremely unsafe to stay in the same place, so he looked for a safe way out. The student gathered his Turkmen and Russian friends, caught other ones on the way, and led them towards Students’ Club (Building 7). There, the University staff pointed them for an emergency exit.
Having reached the Students’ Club, Ovezberdi realized he would not be able to run out first and call for immediate help, as there were too many people at the exit. He instantly decided to jump out the window of the ground floor. Once on the street, the student rushed off campus, and warned passers-by about the danger, and made a call to police.
“I tried to explain the students around that it was important to avoid panic, and quickly step out,”
said Ovezberdi Sabyrov.
Back at home in Turkmenistan, Ovezberdi served in the military for two years. Those days he learned to properly act in emergency situations, when first you evacuate people, and then report to the police. Fellow officers speak of Ovezberdi Sabyrov as a calm, honest and diligent person.