What do we know about streaming media? Delivering content, avoiding breaking the law? How relevant would be the ways of its regulation to state and us, people?
Streaming is known as an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”. The legal question of streaming is getting extremely controversial with the development of Internet and norms of copyright, implied in international legislation.
Professor Anton Matveev, Department of Civil Law, Perm State University, has joined the international lawyers group preparing a draft Agreement on Cooperation between the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The draft aims to protect the rights to objects of copyright and related rights in processing information and telecommunication networks. The agreement had been signed at a meeting of the Council of CIS State Leadersin November, 2021.
The agreement intends to unite efforts of the CIS member states at protecting copyright and allied rights in the Internet format;establish common approaches to related problems in the area, including unified norms of national legislations.
“One of the agreementnovelties, that we proposed, was the provision of Article 7. According to that, reporting about and (or) disclosing the public of objects of copyright and related rightsinvolves the use of such objects as part of radio and (or) television programs, transmitted via Internet resources,”
says Professor Anton Matveev, D.J.S., Faculty of Law, PSU.
“Regardless the fact that streaming becomes most required feature of the modern Internet, neither it is mentioned in our federal legislation, nor it is fixed in global international copyrightagreements – as formal and unambiguous, as it may be. Our efforts are aimed at making it clear that Internet broadcasting resides in the so-called Internet right (the right to address public audience), and not by the powers providing traditional broadcasting, or newly introduced legal authority,”
explains Professor Anton Matveev.
Back in 2016, the development of the draft Agreement had been given to the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property (RGAIS), serving as a basis institution for CIS countries’education, professional upgrade and advanced personnel training in intellectual property. By order of the RGAIS Rector, Professor Anton Matveev from the PSU Civil Law Department has been included in the working team.