Polina Sairanova, a post-graduate student of the Faculty of Biology, and an engineer of the Hydro-Chemical Analysis Lab at the Faculty of Geology, PSU, has entered Top 10 winners of Youth Outstanding Paper Award (YOPA) by World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC).
The YOPA WASWAC Prize aims to encourage young scientists to research the problems of soil and water conservation in the world. The award consists of a WASWAC certification and a $ 1,000 royalty. WASWAC YOPA 2021 is provided by Beijing Datum Technology Development Company, China.
This year, the award was presented at the Third International Youth Forum on Soil and Water (IYFSWC), which took place in October 2021 at Tarbiat Modares University, Iran.
The Forum’s main theme became Soil and Water Conservation under Changing Environments. Participants from Iran, China, Russia and Italy reached the finals. Polina Sairanova became the participant to represent Russia, exclusively – presenting a report “Acid footprint in brown soils of the Middle Urals”.
Polina built her research on interpretation of the data acquired in the Basegi Reserve, Russia. Soil acidity indicators are known to be key parameters to define the direction and dynamics of soil processes – allowing to estimate the ecological state of natural objects.

10 top selected papers will be published in International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR) upon experts’ positive feedback and reviewers’ corrections.
The World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC) as the oldest worldwide academic society in the field of soil and water conservation. The aim of WASWAC is to promote the wise use of management practices that will improve and safeguard the quality of land and water resources so that they continue to meet the needs of agriculture, society and nature.
Forum pictures’ source (Iran).