Researchers from Perm State University will present their innovations and collaboration ideas to the academic and business community in China. The VI Roundtable, titled “Russian-Chinese scientific and technical cooperation in the development and implementation of high technologies” will be held online on Wednesday, 7 July.
The Roundtable will also discuss the issues of training qualified personnel for high-tech and innovative industries.
“Projects related to the agro-industrial complex, oil industry, trade, education, public administration, finance, information technology services and the entertainment industry, will likely be discussed”
comments Natalya Dobrynina, head of the Department of International Academic Cooperation, PSU.
Those interested in participation may fill in the application due to 23 June, as well as send inquiries and suggestions to fwlperm@gmail.com. The Roundtable is organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the Ministry of Science of China.