Looking for scholarships? Eager to participate summer schools? Interested in European culture, yet appreciating its origins? Try Hungary!
Perm State University International Relations Department reminds: the University of Pécs (Pécsi Tudományegyetem) welcomes applications for the Cultural Heritage of Hungary summer school, the scholarship competition to be on a competitive basis. Applications are due to 11 March 2021. The Summer School will be held offline from 4 to 18 July.
Based on the financial support of the Hungarian Government, Tempus Public Foundation offers the scholarship for foreign higher education students, graduates and professionals who would like to gain further knowledge in Hungarian summer university courses. Scholarship programs include Hungarian as a foreign language, Hungarology and thematic (nonlinguistic) courses, and are aimed at foreign (non-native Hungarian speaker) participants.
The Cultural Heritage of Hungary School at the University of Pécs aims to introduce the Hungarian cultural heritage from many different perspectives. This summer program will help you gain insight into Hungary’s gastronomy, wine culture, history, religion and folk traditions, and political, economic and social challenges. Team building intercultural sessions will also be part of this program with professional lecturers and guided tours in Pécs.
The language of instruction is English.
The scholarship covers tuition, meals, accommodation and program activities. Applicants must provide the following documents:
- Scholarship Application;
- Motivation letter;
- Extract from the record book;
- Certificate of knowledge of English and/or Hungarian;
- Letter of recommendation from a teacher or university.
The language of the documents can be Hungarian, English, French or German. If they are not written in either of these four languages, their official Hungarian or English translations must also be attached.
The documents should be submitted through the online system. The deadline is Thursday, 11 March 2021, 11 pm CET
Details of the scholarship and summer school might be found at:
Further questions might be addressed here: summerschoolpecs@pte.hu.