PSU Programmers Enter International Contest Finals

Want to make career in hi-tech? Interested in programming? Love computers, and eager to meet new friends for future projects? Take a closer look at what the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, PSU offers to our students, and how they succeed further on!

Three teams from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, PSU have entered the ICPC World Championship semi-finals and Northern Eurasia Programming Contest Finals. The competition was attended by 9 teams from Perm State University and 108 teams from the Ural region.

Each contest team consists of three students. The Botanic Garden team and the CatsRuleTheWorld team solved 9 out of 14 proposed tasks, while the CppCharm team coped with exactly half of them. PSU teams are heading for the Northern Eurasia Finals, which will take place on 13 December, 2020.

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), is an annual multi-tiered competitive programming competition among the universities of the world. Headquartered at Baylor University, the ICPC operates autonomous regional contests covering six continents culminating in a global World Finals every year.

The ICPC provides gifted students with opportunities to interact, demonstrate, and improve their teamwork, programming, and problem-solving prowess. It serves as a global platform for academia, industry, and community to assist the next generation of computing professionals.

Northern Eurasia Finals (the Contest) is the contest for Northern Eurasia teams with best teams qualifying for World Finals of ICPC. Northern Eurasia Finals is simultaneously organized at St. Petersburg ITMO University (Russia), Altai State Technical University (Russia), Kazakh-British Technical University (Kazakhstan), Business and Technology University (Georgia).

Due to COVID-19, 2020/2021 seasons take place mostly online, which serves a more open format of competitions. The winning teams from each Regional Contest qualify to advance to Northern Eurasia Finals, December 2020. The official language of the Contest is English. All written contest materials will be in English.

At the programming competitions, the students have to write a program code to solve complex algorithmic problems and hone teamwork skills within limited resources and time: a computer and a set of tasks that need to be solved in 5 hours.

In 2019, 302 teams from Russia and the CIS countries have participated in the Northern Eurasia Finals, 16 of which reached the final of the World Cup. The city of Perm was represented by 7 teams in the semi-finals: three teams from PSU, two teams from HSE Perm, and two teams from Perm National Research Polytechnic University.

The support of PSU teams was provided by PARMA Technologies Group and BIONT. Previously, in December 2019, the Bagels team (PSU) had topped in Programming Tops ICPC 2019-2020 Quarterfinals.

For further info, please, see.
Contest rules and other related info.
More news at PSU Facebook page.