PSU Chemists Invent New Materials, Get International Patents
By the end of autumn 2021, PSU scholars will patent 6 inventions in pharmacy and industrial chemistry, internationally.
Researchers from the Faculty of Chemistry, Perm State University have developed substances with antimicrobial activity and ways of their production – patenting new bioactive substances, pharmaceutical compositions and dosage forms.
“The Faculty of Chemistry, empowered by qualified experts in organic chemistry and pharmacology, as well as modern research equipment, allow us to conduct in-depth pharmacological studies of potential medical drugs,”
comments Dr. Irina Mashevskaya, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Another group of researchers has developed a way to use a new corrosion inhibitor – a chemical compound that significantly reduces the rate of corrosion. PSU chemists are planning to develop technologies for the production, storage and use of hydrogen and carbon dioxide utilization issues.
“To convert our research into products, offering it for public use and private enterprises, attracting industrial partners, participating in Research and Technological Development competitions, it is necessary for our results to be protected by patents, nationally and internationally,”
says Dr. Irina Mashevskaya.
Part of the research is carried out within the framework of the “Rational Subsoil Use” Perm Scientific and Educational Center. In charge of the patent registration is the Metrology and Patenting Office, being a part of the Department of Scientific and Innovative activities, PSU. PSU organics, physicists, pharmacologists and pharmaceutical technologists have always been leaders in patent and licensing activity at Perm State University. In total, researchers of the Faculty of Chemistry, PSU have filed 48 patent applications in 2021.