A meeting with Mr. Atadurdy Bayramov, Consul General of Turkmenistan in the city of Kazan (Russia), was held at Perm State National Research University (PSU). The meeting was held with the participation of representatives of the Perm Krai government.
The meeting participants discussed cultural and social adaptation of Turkmen students in local Perm life, as well as educational and extra-curriculum opportunities of joining the city and university events.
The conversation was attended by Mr Pavel Blous, PSU Vice-Rector for General Issues, Mr Sergey Makarov, PSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and Mr Vadim Gataulin, Head of International Relations Department, PSU. The Perm territory was represented by Ms Ekaterina Cherepanova, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Perm krai, and Mr Dmitry Ivanov, Head of the International Relations Department, Protocol and International Relations Department, Government Office, Perm krai.
The main topics of the meeting were the development of educational ties between Perm State University and the universities of Turkmenistan, as well as the regulation of migration issues and the organization of distance learning.
Ekaterina Cherepanova spoke about the possibilities of cooperation with Turkmenistan within the framework of the REC “Rational Subsoil Use”, which includes the Perm University.

“In my experience, we are viewing a rather rare yet rewarding case of a high-rank diplomat eager to solve the issues his countrymen studying away from their homeland. Consul General Atadurdy Bayramov has expressed his strong intention to personally deal with the questions of cooperation and proposals for the development of cultural and academic ties,” comments Vadim Gataulin, Head of International Relations Department, PSU.
Mr Pavel Blous, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, PSU particularly emphasized the role of the Central Asian republics at hosting for WWII evacuees. Mr Sergei Makarov, PSU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, PSU draw attention to the progress of Turkmen students in their studies and adaptation to university life.
Beyond the official negotiations, Consul General Atadurdy Mr Bayramov met with his compatriots studying at PSU. The diplomat made a speech about the 20th anniversary of the republic’s neutrality policy, emphasizing Turkmenistan’s non-involvement in any military blocs, and readiness to promote academic ties. The Consul General draw Turkmen students’ attention they are regarded as representatives of their country, and noticed the importance of studying the Russian language.
384 students from Turkmenistan are making the largest group of PSU international students, at the moment. Statistically, this is more than 65% of all international students and about 3% of all PSU students, studying at 11 faculties. The most popular programs among Turkmen students are “Pedagogical Education”, “Philology”, “Biology” and “Pharmacy”. Five of them have already won prizes in the city essay competition about Perm in the nomination “Students of the Near Abroad”.