Ashraf Razuk (Iraq), a 3rd year student in Pharmacy, Faculty of Chemistry, PSU was one of the first to help the wounded. On 20 September, the student was walking across the Perm State University campus, when the shooting began.
As he saw a girl falling down, the student immediately rushed towards her: “It turned out, she wasn’t injured – just very scared. I loaded her on my shoulders and carried behind the building’s corner, where it was safe.”
After that, Ashraf noticed another victim – a young man, wounded in his leg. Using his clothes, Ashraf bandaged him and called the ambulance.
“Then, someone told me that my friend was wounded – they showed where he was, so I run there to check, and approached a paramedic,”
recollects Ashraf Razuk.
Ashraf’s injured friend happened to be Abdullah Obaid, another student in chemistry from Iraq. During the classes’ break, he strolled by the University fountain. When the shots happened, Abdullah protected the girl standing next to him, covering her with his body. The student received gunshot wounds to both legs. Abdullah was given initial treatment in Perm, and then transferred to a hospital in Moscow.
Perm State University is grateful to everyone who showed courage and provided help and support to those in trouble. We know there were more people on campus who did their best to protect the others!