From 20 October till 5 November, Perm State University (PSU) hosts for 10 open online lectures by Professor Adriano Fiorucci from the Polytechnic University of Turin (Politecnico di Torin). The Lectures are held in English.
Professor Adriano Fiorucci will talk about the results of interaction with Perm scientists as a part of the international research group (IRG) on development of a nature-like technology for the formation of concentrations of useful components inside man-made dumps. The research group is headed by Professor Vladimir Naumov, PSU.
The researchers are trying to assess the formation of concentrations of gold and silver inside man-made dumps by controlling the processes of technogeogenesis with minimal impact on the environment.
“It has long been clear that we are moving from an age of abundant mineral resources to an era of increasing scarcity. At the same time, a new type of geological objects (potential deposits) – technogenic-mineral formations – appears on a huge scale. Our approaches allow to develop new nature-like technologies. Based on them, valuable components, such as gold, can be extracted, even from rather scarce deposits,” comments Vladimir Naumov, Director of the Natural Sciences Institute, PSU.
The lectures by Professor Fiorucci cover the following topics (in local Perm and UTC time schedule):
• 20 October (Tuesday), 9:45am (4:45 UTC)- “Basic information”;
• 22 October (Thursday), 1:30pm (8:30 UTC) – “Gas-water solution. Carbon dioxide gas-water solution”;
• 26 October (Monday), 9:45am (4:45 UTC) – “Carbonate equilibrium. Interaction of carbonate rocks with water”;
• 29 October (Thursday), 1:30pm (8:30 UTC) – “Interaction of non-carbonate minerals with water” (first part);
• 29 October (Thursday), 3:15pm (10:15 UTC) – “Interaction of non-carbonate minerals with water” (second part);
• 2 November (Monday), 9:45am (4:45 UTC) – “Saturation Index”;
• 2 November (Monday), 11:30am (6:30 UTC) – “Hydrochemical facies – Piper, Durov and Chebotarev diagrams”;
• 3 November (Tuesday), 9:45am (4:45 UTC) – “Scheller diagram. Ion exchange “;
• 5 November (Thursday), 1:30pm (8:30 UTC) – “The practice of studying groundwater sources in the Piedmont region” (first part);
• 5 November (Thursday), 3:15pm (10:15 UTC) – ” The practice of studying groundwater sources in the Piedmont region” (second part).
The lectures will be run in English. To participate, please send an application to: . Before the start of each lecture, you will receive a link for connection.

Visits of foreign researchers within the International Research Groups framework had been launched at PSU since 2012, with the support by the Ministry of Education and Science of Perm Krai. The program provides financial support for research groups consisting of Russian and international scholars working in the relevant areas of physics, chemistry, biotechnology, interdisciplinary research, etc. The Center for Educational and Scientific Exchanges at PSU interacts with those researchers from abroad focusing on current tasks within theory and applied science.
The Polytechnic University of Turin contacts with Perm are majorly based on interaction with the Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Conservation. Among the areas of joint work, with the participation of Professor Adriano Fiorucci, is a professional training in hydro-chemical research using the European Alps as illustration and object of research. Previously, the PSU scholars had been studying the sources of Alpine mineral waters, involving the karst monitoring lab, and studying the Parco naturale Alpi Marittime – Centro faunistico Uomini e Lupi ecosystem. As a result of this collaboration, an agreement was reached on the participation of students of the Polytechnic University of Turin in the Geoecology Summer School, Perm, Urals, Russia.