Internships is a great way to gain new experience, test knowledge and see prospects for your future profession. If you are capable of convincing practice-based experts in your worthy contribution to particular tasks, chances are great you will be hired. In autumn 2021, PSU students will be given chance to enflesh their ambitions at the best local-based IT-companies, national and international ones, developing digital solutions.
First 30 registered students will enjoy the opportunity to sneak into an IT-draft pool, meeting a variety of IT-oriented enterprises – the PARMA Technologies Group, the Simpl-Group, the SEUSLAB (СЕУСЛАБ), the RIO Soft (РИО Софт), the Smart Analytics, the Bright Soft (Брайт Софт), the Trivium (Тривиум), the FORSIGHT (ФОРСАЙТ) and the Bureau of Information Technologies (Бюро информационных технологий).
Students can put those whom they want to cooperate with in their priority lists. Candidates should fill out a questionnaire and prepare an oral self-presentation about themselves – so that IT companies’ representatives could choose the most suitable ones for further practical tasks. In return, the chosen candidates will learn from top teams of digital solutions’ developers. Students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Physics, Economics, as well as PSU College are welcomed to participate.

“The representatives of several companies at once will meet with a group of interested students. The practicing IT-professionals will tell about the tasks that trainees will have to solve,” says Dmitry Vershinin, Head of the Office for Internships, Department for Students’ Training, PSU. “In return, the students will introduce themselves, according to their study modules and faculties. Then the proposals for cooperation will follow – complying with the ‘draft’ concept in sports.”
A draft is known as a process to allocate certain players to teams. In a draft, teams take turns selecting from a pool of eligible players. When a team selects a player, the team receives exclusive rights to sign that player to a contract, and no other team in the league may sign the player. The process is similar to round-robin item allocation. “Having chosen a draft model, we very much hope that students will further find themselves in those leading teams engaged in digital solutions,” says Dmitry Vershinin.
The first Perm-based IT Draft in will take place on 25 November (Thursday), 4 pm (local time) at the AMAKS Premier Hotel (43 Monastyrskaya St., ground floor).