PSU and University of Helsinki Will Cooperate in Student Mobility
The Center for Comparative History and Political Studies at Perm State University became a member of the project “Finnish-Russian Network on Area Studies and Methodologies”, funded by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
The project is aimed at developing cooperation in education – creating joint training courses and support for student mobility. Other participants in the project are University of Helsinki, Higher School of Economics, the European University at Saint Petersburg, as well as National Research Tomsk State University. The project will last till the end of 2023.
The Center for Comparative History and Political Studies (CCHPS) at Perm State University (PSU) is a team of researchers from different regions and countries, employed by the Faculty of History and Politics (Историко-политологический факультет – ИПФ ПГНИУ).
Established in 2012 by a group of PSU and the European University at Saint Petersburg graduates, the Center for Comparative History and Political Studies focuses on interdisciplinary and comparative studies in the field of social sciences, history, and anthropology, open to cooperation with the academic community across the globe. The Center programs enable dialogue between young scholars, creating a competitive academic environment, promoting the “circulation of minds”.