PSU Faculty of Economics has started the International Business Bachelor’s Program. The program is designed for foreign and Russian students keen to upgrade their knowledge in Economics, using the English language in the first place. PSU international students from China were the first ones to sign for the program.
“This year we have enrolled a group consisting entirely of students from abroad. This is our first attempt of opening a full 4-year bachelor’s degree program in English, promoting programs by the Faculty of Economics for a wider international audience. At the same time, we have already built a long-term practice of MA international programs in English, which proved to be successful. So far, we have been collaborating with a number of PSU faculties to prepare the program, matching it for a high quality international level. And, we hope to successfully implement it in the nearest future,”
says Dr. Mikhail Gorodilov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, PSU.
The bachelor’s program is designed for 4 years of study offering the BA certificate, upon its completion. Ekaterina Chuchulina, head of the Project Office for International Cooperation, Faculty of Economics, PSU. The program addresses a wide audience of foreign applicants, providing most relevant information in demand of the world educational market. It includes economic and international disciplines to grow competencies in international business, management, intercultural communication, etc.
Since 2020, the PSU Faculty of Economics has been running two bachelors’ programs in English. For more information, please visit the relevant Faculty web page.

Feel free to address your questions about the studies at the Faculty of Economics to:
Ekaterina Chuchulina, Office Head,
Project Office for International Cooperation,
Perm State National Research University (PSU),
Faculty of Economics, building 12, office. 203
(Whats App,Viber), tel.: 8 (922) 357-67-57
instagramm: International_economPSU.