PSU Program in Oil and Gas Gets International Acclaim

Masters’ Program “Ecology and Natural Resources of Oil and Gas Complex” by the Faculty of Geography, Perm State University, has received international qualification. The Program teaches to perform search, verification and implementation of oil and gas innovations in related enterprises. The Program graduates become specialists in the field of environmental production control.

“The certificate of professional and public accreditation confirms the quality of our educational program, which follows professional standards and meets the market requirements for specialists,”

comments Sergey Buzmakov, head of the Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Protection, PSU.

The program has been successfully accredited by the All-Russian Intersectoral Association of Employers (Общероссийское межотраслевое объединение работодателей – the Union of Communications and Information Technology Object Builders StroySvyazTelecom (СтройСвязьТелеком).

The Faculty of Geography is one of the flagships of geographic education in Russia, known among the leading national and international centers of geosciences. The Faculty prepares specialists in physical, economic and social geography, cartography and geo-informatics, tourism and socio-cultural service, hydrometeorology and environmental management.

Students do internship courses all around Russia from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka – including large governmental companies, industrial enterprises, reserves and national parks, academic and educational institutions, government bodies. The Student Ecological Board carries out a range of environmental events on campus and within the city site, promoting ecological-wise attitude.

Among the Faculty partners are universities and research centers of Great Britain, Germany, USA, Italy, Poland, Finland, Kazakhstan. The Faculty conducts research, organizes international conferences, seminars and summer schools for international students.

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