In the falls of 2021, PSU students and teaching staff will enjoy access to full-text global databases in science. Not only it is the opportunity to see articles online, but also download their full versions in pdf; several sources enable the use of multimedia and interactive tutorials.
Most of the resources are available at PSU IP-addresses allowing to use them remotely at any location, through different gadgets – via the University campus network, or an ‘extended’ VPN-connection.
Get a free VPN- pass through the University Internet Center at, indicating your full name, position and department (for employees); course and faculty (for students); and, date of birth. Some resources allow access through a collective login and password, which can be obtained at PSU Academic Library (Scientific and Methodological Department, building 1, ground floor, room 146, tel.: +7 (342) 239-65-05, e-mail:
RFBR Resources
The Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) provides test access to databases of Russian scientific and educational institutions. Based on the test results, a list of resources will be formed that will be available at Perm State University throughout 2022, through a centralized and national subscription.
Multi-Disciplinary Resources

De Gruyter: full-text collection of journals Complete eJournal Collection (334 journals) of the German academic publishing house Walter de Gruyter. The collection includes journals in mathematics, chemistry, economics, medicine, biology, linguistics and other sciences.
Brief review and test access. Access: IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 4 December, 2021.

Bentham Science: a full-text collection of Bentham Journal Collection (1,065 journals) and Bentham Ebook Collection (132 books) from Bentham Science Publishers, which specializes in technology and medicine scientific literature.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 4 December, 2021.

JoVE Video Journal: a peer-reviewed scientific video journal that combines high-quality video demos with detailed textual accompaniment. JoVE publishes materials on a wide range of topics: behavioral biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, cancer research, chemistry, developmental biology, engineering, environmental sciences, genetics, immunology, medicine, neurobiology.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 4 December, 2021.

STM eBooks is a full-text collection of books from Taylor & Francis. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 10 December, 2021.

Premier eJournal Collection: a full-text journal collection (309 journals) from the Emerald Publishing. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.

JSTOR: a full-text database of peer-reviewed scientific journals and books: Arts & Sciences I (116 journals), Arts & Sciences II (112 journals), Arts & Sciences IV (109 journals), Arts & Sciences VI (141 journals), Arts & Sciences VII (186 journals), Life Sciences (206 journals), Business & Economics (240 journals), Mathematics & Statistics (81 journals), JSTOR Sustainability (115 journals).
Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.

eBook Academic Collection: a full-text collection of interdisciplinary e-books on a wide range of scientific topics from EBSCO.
Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.
Specialized Resources:

Microbiology Society: a full-text collection of six journals from the Microbiological Science Society. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 4 December, 2021.

ASM Journals: a full-text collection by the American Society for Microbiology. Consists of 18 journals in microbiology, immunology, bacteriology, virology, molecular and cell biology.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 10 December, 2021.

Orbis All Companies: a factual database from Bureau Van Dijk that contains microeconomic data for 400 million private and public companies worldwide. The complementing source of Orbis Intellectual Property is a full-text patent database of private and public companies around the world.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 12 December, 2021.

Inorganic Crystal Structure Database: the world’s largest database of fully identified inorganic crystal structures. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 4 December, 2021.

SciFindern: an online service for searching and analyzing information for research in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, geology, metallurgy and other disciplines.
Brief review and test access. Access: using a login and password, with a previous registration, using the link in the PSU network or via a VPN-connection. To proceed, one must obtain a corporate email address with the domain. After that, all registered users will be able to log into SciFinder using their username and password remotely from anywhere.
Due to: 10 December, 2021.

CHEMnetBASE: a full-text database of reference materials on chemistry and related sciences from the publishing house Taylor & Francis.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 10 December, 2021.

Сhemistry journal package: full-text collection (5 journals) published by Thieme Group. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 19 December, 2021.

Science of Synthesis: a database for organic and organometallic chemists containing full-text descriptions of organic transformations and synthetic methods, as well as experimental procedures.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 19 December, 2021.

SIAM “Package D” Trial Package: Full-text journal collection (18 journals) from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.

Full-text collections of IWA Publishing eJournals and IWA Publishing 2021 eBook Collection from IWA Publishing. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.

Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate: a full-text collection from the EBSCO company. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.

Engineering Village: a dedicated research platform for summarizing and indexing in engineering and tecnical content. Brief review and test access.
Knovel is a database that allows you to accelerate the search for proven experimental data and ready-made technical solutions (exit through the Engineering Village platform).
Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 December, 2021.
Resources of Other Operators (not included into national subscription)

SciVal: analytical system designed to analyze publication activity in the Scopus bibliographic database. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 31 October, 2021.

Gale: an extensive database of primary and secondary sources in arts, humanities, social sciences, business and economics, and technical sciences.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 5 November, 2021.

AM Explorer: a platform of Adam Matthew academic publishing house, which deals with humanities and social sciences, and publishes digital primary sources from archives around the world.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 6 December, 2021.

AccessMedicine: A resource for internal and family medicine, as well as medical and health education. Brief review and test access.
Access: by IP-addresses of the University, via Free MyAccessProfile personal account (after registration within the University network), or a collective login and password.
Due to: 22 October, 2021.

AccessPharmacy contains about 100 key books and textbooks, as well as training materials on pharmacology and pharmaceuticals. Brief review and test access.
Access: by IP-addresses of the University, via Free MyAccessProfile personal account (after registration within the University network), or a collective login and password.
Due to: 22 October, 2021.

Begell House: books, journals and databases, including on chemistry and chemical engineering. Brief review and test access.
Access: by IP-addresses of the University, or via collective login and password.
Due to: 16 October, 2021.

BMJ Journals: over 70 medical and other scientific journals in related fields. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 18 October, 2021. The most accurate and medically detailed images of human anatomy presented in 3D animations, illustrations and videos.тAccess: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 20 October, 2021.

EMIS: an information and analytical database of business-oriented fields (information on companies and industries, news content, research, including EMIS analytical materials and forecasts).
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 28 October, 2021.

The Reshenie (“Solution”) Video Library stores thematic collections of educational videos, allowing university teachers to run trainings in an interactive format.
Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 15 October, 2021.

World Scientific: a broad context and multi-discipline scientific and technical publishing house. Brief review and test access. Access: by IP-addresses of the University.
Due to: 23 October, 2021.
Please, address your questions on digital library resources to PSU Academic Library (Scientific and Methodological Department, building 1, ground floor, room 146, tel.: +7 (342) 239-65-05, e-mail: