Anna Perminova, a PSU researcher from the Natural Science Institute, has presented her report, announced best, at the International Conference “Geographic Aspects of Sustainable Development of Regions” at Gomel State University (Belarus). Overall, there have been presented a total of 127 reports by 200 authors from Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine.
Researchers from the Laboratory of Biogeochemistry of Technogenic Landscapes, PSU, presented reports on transformation of the natural environment and rational use of natural resources, drawing the examples of the Verkhnekamskoye salt deposit, a local to Perm terrotory. Anna Perminova was supported by Elena Khairulina, head of the laboratory, and Natalia Mitrakova, senior researcher.
Among many research spheres, the Conference covered the problems of engineering geology, hydrogeology, geophysics; regularities of transformation of ecological functions of geospheres in large mining regions; the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. The 4th International Scientific and Research Conference “Geographic Aspects of Sustainable Development of Regions” was organized by the Faculty of Geology and Geography, F. Skorina Gomel State University; Voronezh State University; the Russian House in Gomel and the Gomel Department of the Belarusian Geographical Society.