The Falling Walls Lab Perm, a known international blitz conference in popular science took place at PSU today. On behalf Perm krai, 28 applications were registered, and 11 participants were chosen. According to the Conference format, each participant was given 3 minutes to present her/his research, business idea or project, using English as the language of presentation.
Ekaterina Stepanova, Faculty of Chemistry, PSU won the 1st prize with her report “Breaking the Wall of Antimicrobal Resisitance”. As a Falling Walls Lab Perm winner, Ekaterina has won a virtual trip to Berlin (Germany) to present her idea at the Grand Finale in front of the distinguished Jury among 100 finalists all over the world.
At the Falling Walls Lab Perm, Alice Bortnik (PSU) and Nickolay Sazhenkov (Perm State Technical University, became 2nd and 3rd prize winners, correspondingly. Among other institutions, the delegates also represented Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University and State Archive of Perm Krai.
Three winners of the Falling Walls Berlin Lab Finale will receive a cash prize and the opportunity to give their talk on the grand stage of the FW Conference. Besides, Falling Walls Lab winner gets a chance to apply to the Falling Walls Innovation Week. Only 15 participants will get an opportunity to take part in the business trainings, meet the outstanding experts and coaches, and choose the best business model for their project.

The event takes place within the framework of the Russian-German Year of Scientific and Educational Partnerships 2018–2020.
The honorary members of the Perm jury in 2020 included: Mr. Mathias Kruse, Consul General of Germany in Yekaterinburg (Deutsches Generalkonsulat Jekaterinburg, see also: Посольство Германии в Москве – Deutsche Botschaft Moskau au); Dr. Andreas Hoeschen, Head of the regional office German Academic Exchange Servic (DAAD) in Russia and Director of the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) in Moscow, Professor Dr. Eileen Eckmeier, NMUN Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich; Professor Dr. Jürgen Hermes, (Universität zu Köln); Professor Dr. Ralf Brüning, University of Applied Sciences for Medium-Sized Companies (Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) -Köln). The Jury will be headed by Dr. Ludwig Stroink, Head of International Affairs Office, GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam (Internationalen Büro des Deutschen Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Potsdam).
On behalf Perm State University, Ms Elena Malkova, Vice-rector for Youth Policy, expressed her gratitude to the honorable Jury and participants. She also thanked the German partners for the opportunity to run the Falling Walls Lab Perm at PSU site, noting the highly recognized status of Perm State University. Natalia Dobrynina, head of the Department of Network Programs and Educational Projects, PSU, has also been contributing as an active supporter of the Falling Walls Lab Perm, since 2018,.
“By your participation you showed to all of us that there are no walls remaining when people urge to share their ideas and communicate with each other, especially using science. The concept of the Falling Walls is worth sharing and developing because we all want to live in this world peacefully and happily,”
Natalia Dobrynina, shared.