PSU students will be able to publish an article in the proceedings journal indexed in Scopus.
From 28 February to 11 April, a competition of research papers among students in bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate programs will take place at Perm State University (PSU).
The winners of the competition will take part in the “Science and Global Challenges in the 21st Century” Perm International Forum – followed by a publication in Springer, indexed in Scopus. For those passing the double-blind peer review, the registration fee under RUB 10,000 will be paid by PSU.
For participation, paper drafts and filled questionnaires must be sent by 10 April, 2022, to osnid.psu@gmail.com with the subject title “Research Papers’ Competition”. All drafts should be written in English.
The “Science and Global Challenges in the 21st Century” Perm International Forum is an international event aiming to comprehend the tasks and problems faced by science and education, as well as the society in general, within the context of globalization – proposing solutions, targets and opportunities, regarding possible challenges and risk management. The Forum scholars aim to form end-to-end innovation chains, enabling fundamental and applied research, technology development, practical applications and widespread use of IT.
In 2021, an impressive set of 99 reports have been published under the Springer series “Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies”: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-89477-1. The Forum proceedings, with a full translation into English, covered all the disciplines studied at twelve PSU faculties, and beyond.