PSU students have successfully performed at a regional international Translators ’Competition, contributing to Perm (Russia) and Louisville (USA) twin cities’ link.
15 undergraduate and graduate students from Perm State University are listed among 29 winners in various categories, representing the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature; the Faculty of Law; the Faculty of Economics; and the Faculty of History and Political Science, PSU. The Competition involved 135 students from 8 Perm-based higher institutions. In total, the Organizers’ Committee received 160 pieces, translated; a few participants challenged several translations at once.
Four pieces by contemporary American authors had been offered for the Competition: “A is for Aliby” by Sue Grafton, “Old Muscovy” by Massie Robert and “The Healing” by Gayl Johnes. All authors come from the sister city of Louisville (USA) and represent those writings previously untranslated into Russian. In return, two excerpts from the book “The Territory of God” by Yuri Aslanyan, Perm-based author had been offered for a Russian-English translation part.
The Translators ’Competition became a part of “Perm-Louisville Twin Cities ’Cultural Heritage” framework, within the 23rd Perm City Competition of Social Projects “The City is Us”. The Competition was run by the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, Perm State University; Perm English Language Teachers’ Association (PELTA); Perm Krai A.M. Gorky Library; and Perm-Louisville Twin Cities Association.