psu rankings

PSU Enters the a QS List of Best Educational Institutions, Globally

Today, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a known British company specializing in the global analysis of higher education institutions, has published a list of the 1000 best universities in the world – the QS World University Rankings 2021.

For the first time, Perm State National Research University (PSU) has entered the QS world ranking list, taking #801-1000 place, as a result of a tough but reasonable educational competition, on a global scale. Out of Russia, only 28 universities have entered the world list.

In their comment to PSU Facebook page, the QS Top Universities hailed: A massive congratulations to everyone at the Perm State National Research University and welcome to the list! Find the full results at

The QS experts place PSU among 68% of the leading universities. TPSU has proved solid strong positions in such indicators as the students’ view of teaching staff (307 place in the world list), academic reputation (501+ place) and reputation among employers (501+ place).

In addition to mentioned criteria, QS evaluates universities by their citation index, the share of international students and foreign teaching staff.

QS World University Rankings have been published since 2004. Previously, PSU had been already included in other Quacquarelli Symonds ratings – like the QS University Rankings: BRICS Index (2014), entering the list of the best universities in developing countries in Europe and Central Asia (2016).

QS rankings are recognized as one of the most influential on the global scale, along with the Round University Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

PSU Goes Up the RUR Ranking List

Perm State National Research University (PSU) has improved its position in the Russian University Ranking 2020, moving up five positions to the Bronze League, as reported today by the Round University Ranking (RUR) Agency. With assistance by Clarivate Analytics IP Solutions, RUR annually evaluates global and Russian universities.

When compiling the rating ranks, data on four aggregated indicators was taken into account: teaching, research, education, research, international diversity and financial sustainability. In two of them – financial sustainability and education – PSU occupies 44th and 48th places, which corresponds to the Silver League.

According to overall national indicators, PSU I ranked 59th out of 82 Russian universities, included in the final table this year. It should be mentioned that the prevailing amount of the ranked universities belongs to Moscow and St Petersburg, pushing ‘non-capital’ institutions in for tougher competition.

The rating experts have ranked the Russian Federation universities into five leagues: the Diamond League (places 1 to 16), the Golden League (places 17 to 32), the Silver League (places 33 to 48), the Bronze League (places 49 to 64), and the Copper League (places from 65 to 82).

In 2019, PSU became the only university of the Perm krai, entering the RUR subject division. PSU took 31st place among Russian universities and 509th place in the global ranking devoted to social sciences and humanities. In addition, last year Perm University entered the world list of the best universities in the field of life sciences.

Round University Ranking (RUR) is an international world university rankings system which measures performance of 850 leading world universities from 80 countries by 20 unique indicators and 4 key areas (teaching, research, international diversity, financial sustainability). All raw data for RUR Rankings is provided byThomson Reuters. RUR Rankings cover the period from 2010 to the present.

PSU Enters Top-15 Russian Universities, According to University Impact Rankings 2020

According to a new survey by Times Higher Education (THE, UK), Perm State National research University (PSU) takes the 2nd place among universities of the Volga Federal District and the 12th place among Russian higher education institutions, included in the University Impact Rankings 2020 list.

The University Impact Rankings 2020 assesses contribution of universities to Global Goals for Sustainable Development, UN, globally. The ranking consist of 18 positions: the overall one, and 17 subdivisions for each sustainable development goal.

According to the overall score, PSU stands within a broad 301-400 group out of 767 world universities. For each sustainable development goal, PSU is represented in all 17 ratings. The best indicators among them are as follows:

  • “Life Below Water: education on and support for aquatic ecosystems”: 59th among 242 universities, globally;
  • “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”: 101-200 group among 453 universities, globally;
  • “Gender Equality”: 101-200 group among 547 universities, globally;
  • “Partnership for the Goals”: 301-400 group among 806 universities, globally.

“Every year there are more universities participating the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Initially, 467 world universities were included into the University Impact Rankings list; the next time this amount nearly doubled: 766. Russian higher institutions have also proved to be active: over the year, their number increased from 38 to 47, nationally. The more valuable is the position of Perm State University in that growing competitive list, as we are getting close to top 10, being recently included in all 17 ratings for sustainable development goals, ”

PSU Rector Professor Igor Makarikhin.

PSU entered the Times Higher Education list in 2017, and became the first university, territorially, included into the THE rankings.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 goals of international cooperation, planned to be achieved by 2030. The goals are aimed at improving the health of all nations, combating inequalities, poverty, hunger and the effects of global climate change, improving people’s access to education, drinking water, labor and affordable energy, and promoting ideas of social justice and peace.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings World University Rankings is the annual international rating by the Times Higher Education magazine (UK) based on three sources: universities’ statistics, bibliometrical data by Scopus Elsevier and inquiry poll among academic experts.

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