PSU Philologists Discuss Language of Modern Science

The Faculty of Philology at Perm State University (PSU) has hosted for the 2nd All-Russian Scientific Conference “Language of Modern Science: Cross-Disciplinary Aspect” as part of the university-wide forum “Innovations and Technologies in Cross-Disciplinary Applications”. The Conference had been initiated and organized by the Department of Russian Language and Stylistics, PSU.
The Conference regarded the issues of expression and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the 21st century. Scholars from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Tyumen and Perm took part in the discussion, providing 14 reports in Russian and 7 reports in English within two days of the event.
Maria Kotyurova, head of Perm Scientific School of Functional Stylistics, professor at PSU, spoke about the grounds for differentiating the stylistics of an academic text and speech science; Nadezhda Ryabtseva, Head of the Sector of Applied Linguistics at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences drew attention to the problem of translating scientific terms under the predominant position of English language in academic communication.

Cross-cultural differences in scientific speech have been discussed by Professor Nina Romanova from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Professor Vera Tabanakova from Tyumen State University and Professor Lyudmila Kushnina from Perm National Research Polytechnic University.
In a number of reports, special attention was paid to assessment of scholars’ activity. Professor Valeria Chernyavskaya from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Professor Sergey Nefedov from Saint Petersburg State University and Associate Professor Natalya Solovieva from PSU shared their vision of the problem. Reports by Professor Sergei Grichin from Novosibirsk State Technical University, Professor Vladimir Medvedev from Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Professor Maria Shirinkina from PSU, and Professor Natalia Kolesnikova from Novosibirsk State Technical University proved the cross-disciplinary study of the semantic structure of a modern scientific text to remain an urgent task in linguistics.

The Conference materials will be published in the “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” series by Springer, indexed in Scopus and be available electronically.
As Professor Elena Bazhenova, Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee, Department of Russian Language and Stylistics, PSU has stated,
“the success of the annual Conference on the language of science comes from the fact it brings together researchers working in close areas of linguistics, beyond the functional stylistic direction. The problems associated with the study of various aspects of modern scientific communication help to meet like-minded experts, as well as identify the range of questions for further research.”