April Theses Bloom at PSU
The identity of rock musicians in the USSR, women in the medicine of Antiquity, Icelandic sagas and the phenomenon of identity in Perestroika era movies became topics of choice, among many, at the recent April Theses international student conference at Perm State University.
“The April Theses: A Person in Topical Tocio-Humanitarian Research” Conference took place on 2-3 April, 2021, organized by the Department of History and Archeology, the Department of Interdisciplinary Historical Research, as well as the Student Scientific Society at the Faculty of History and Political Science, PSU.
Participants from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (Perm, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Kemerovo, Yaroslavl, Ufa, Smolensk, Petrozavodsk, Ivanovo) presented their reports, delivered both in Russian and English on a wide range of topics. Naturally, according to anti-COVID-19 safety measures, the Conference took place online.
“It’s felt quite pleasant to be a part of the event, largely due to the benevolent and positive atmosphere. I liked the variety of topics presented, covering a wide variety of aspects of history, politics and society. I believe such conferences to be a necessary element in young researchers’ progress,”
states Vadim Lyashenko, 3rd year student, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Ukraine).
The April Theses Conference became an annual forum for students and young scientists, aimed to support the students’ research activity, providing conditions for their professional and academic progress in social sciences and humanities. Following the results of the conference, a collection of student papers is going to be published.