PSU Gains the Gold Standard Status among Oxford University Partners
The Oxford University has granted PSU the Gold Standard Internship Host sign. For seven years, Perm University has been hosting numerous delegations from Oxford. PSU is confidently competing with leading Russian and world universities – in terms of providing high quality summer courses.

“In recognition of the support your organization has given our students over the last few years and of the quality of the internship experiences you have provided and maintained, we would like to award you a Gold Standard Internship Host badge for display on your website, should you wish to use it, ”
the Internship Office, Careers Service, University of Oxford wrote to PSU.
In order to claim for the Oxford reward, a university must meet a variety of criteria, including the quality of feedback from the students, provision of resources for interns, and the total duration of participation in the summer educational programs.
“We have been coordinating the internship program since 2012. During this period, 155 students from Oxford took participated summer schools in various disciplines. We are deeply convinced that academic success is closely related to personal adaptation, especially for students from afar. It is important for us that the guys feel at home, ”
says Lyudmila Kadzhaya, Head of the International Contacts Department, PSU.
PSU is proud to provide Oxford students access to professional laboratory equipment as part of their research – the opportunity undergraduates would rarely enjoy abroad. Acquiring practical skills in Russia helps foreign undergraduates to apply for higher degrees and better jobs back home.
As a part of off-campus outdoor practices, Oxford students study rare plants and animal species, raft down the local rivers, discover the wildlife and natural landscape of the Western Urals. Besides the course program, PSU offers classes in Russian language, enables contacts with experts in the field of research, shows students them around the city, and assists with living facilities and comfortable settling.
“Summer schools are a great chance to discover a new country. In addition to a variety of cultural events, including theatre plays, art exhibitions, sport matches, our interns get a unique life experience: from living in a dormitory to workshops in national cuisine.”
says Vadim Gataulin, Head of the International Relations Department, PSU.
The Gold Standard Internship Host sign grants PSU the opportunity to present its programs for Oxford students on a priority basis. For the summer 2019, PSU offers 6-week undergraduate courses in computational and theoretical physics, microbiology and pharmaceutical chemistry.
For the first time, students in archive and museum activity will participate summer schools at PSU in 2019: the Museum of History of Perm University offers international interns a unique opportunity to deal with collections of Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt and Middle Ages. The Faculty of Philology is expecting interns in Russian language and literature for the autumn 2019 semester.