Acting PSU Rector: Official Announcement on Appointment

According to the Order #20-02-02/142 of 7 July 2020 by of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Dr. Dmitry Krasilnikov has been appointed as an Acting Rector of Perm State University. The duties of the head of the university are assigned to Dr. Dmitry Krasilnikov until the final appointment of the Rector, in accordance with established procedure.

The labor contract of Dr. Igor Makarikhin has expired on 6 July, 2020. Previously, he served as PSU Rector since 2010, and was re-elected for a second term on 19 June, 2015.

“First of all, I would like to assure everyone that the University continues to function in a standard mode, performing traditional tasks. At the present moment, we are actively engaged in organizing the issuance of diplomas for graduates of this year. In the next week and a half, all bachelors and graduate masters will receive graduation certificates from Perm University. Further, we will all enter a tense peak of the admission campaign and preparation for the next study year,”

Dmitry Krasilnikov has commented.

Professor Dmitry Krasilnikov, PhD, Doctor of Political Sciences, performed as a PSU Vice-Rector for 9 years. He is also a head of the Department of State and Municipal Management, PSU.

In 2017, Dmitry Krasilnikov became a member of the Scientific and Expert Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Since 2014, Dr. Krasilnikov is the Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Perm Territory. In 2004, at the initiative and with the participation of Dmitry Krasilnikov, the Regional Institute of Continuing Education was established on the basis of Perm State University.

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