Students, as well as schoolchildren in grades 9-11, are invited to take part in Perm regional competition in English into Russian translations.
Commemorating the 25th anniversary of twinning relations between Oxford and Perm, the competition aims to introduce Perm readers to modern British literature, previously unpublished in Russian, promoting the study of a foreign language, developing creative initiative among young people.
The winners will be awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes. Electronic certificates will be provided to all the participants, as well as letters of gratitude to their teachers.
Competition dates: 28 December, 2020 – 01 February, 2021.
Competition Organizers: Perm City Administration; Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, Perm State University (PSU); Department of Literature in Foreign Languages, A.M. Gorky Perm Regional Library; Perm English Language Teachers’ Association (PELTA).
To remind, Perm-Oxford twin cities relationship started with university exchange as early as 1989. For years, PSU has been hosting numerous delegations from Oxford. Today, Perm State University confidently competes with leading Russian and world universities, providing a variety of English language-related courses and exchange visits, with an assistance by Oxford colleagues. In 2019, the Oxford University has granted PSU the Gold Standard Internship Host sign.