PSU International Department calls for scholarship applications to study in the Czech Republic (due to 2 March, 2021):
The Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation informs: in accordance with the program of outgoing international academic mobility, students, postgraduates, research and teaching fellows are welcome to apply for training courses in the Czech Republic for the academic year 2021/2022.
Per each program, a host party in the Czech Republic will provide successful candidates with free training. The costs of staying in the Czech Republic, travel expenses and consular fees shall be covered by candidates independently.
Applicants must submit a package of documents in Russian language, certified by their home university (Perm State University, PSU in this case), addressing it to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
- Letter of recommendation, signed by Rector or Vice-Rector;
- Curriculum Vitae of applicant;
- Certificate of knowledge of Czech or English;
- An excerpt from the grade book or academic transcript (for undergraduate students);
- A copy of the diploma with an insert (for graduates and post-graduates);
- A copy of passport (first page with a photo);
- Applicant’s agreement for processing personal data.
The documents for a host organization in the Czech Republic shall be provided in two copies, in Czech or English, and certified with a home university’s signature and seal (PSU). The required forms to fill in are posted at: EU a zahraničí, MŠMT ČR (msmt.cz)
Candidate’s documents (for Russian and Czech parties) must be sent by e-mail: poleshuk@list.ru. Please, find more detailed information about the program on the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation website.
Important: the application documents will be accepted until 4:00 pm, 2 March, 2021. Contact person: Olga Poleshchuk, tel .: 8-495-788-65-91, Email: poleshuk@list.ru .
For any additional questions, please contact the Department of International Academic Mobility, Perm State University (academic_mobility@psu.ru or international@psu.ru).