
PSU Biologists Explore Microbiology, Genetics and Biomedicine, Unite Scholars Global Wide

The Faculty of Biology at Perm State University (PSU) has run the 13th International Conference of Biologists “Symbiosis-Russia ’2022” as part of the “Science and Global Challenges in the 21st Century” Inter-University Forum. The Conference united scholars from Afghanistan, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, Scotland, Slovenia, USA and Uzbekistan.

In total, the Conference participants presented more than 180 reports in microbiology, biotechnology, biomedicine, genetics, botany, zoology, plant physiology, soil science, ecology and nature management.

Key speakers included:

Other international participants included:

On behalf Perm State University, two PSU scholars spoke in the Springer section – Danila Apushkin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology and Evgenia Akhremenko, a researcher at the Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology, Faculty of Chemistry, PSU.

“The geography of the Conference participants covered, with no exception, all regions of Russia, and over 45 cities: from Kaliningrad to the Far East, from Arkhangelsk and St. Petersburg to Rostov-on-Don and Pyatigorsk,” says Mikhail Lyamin, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Biology, PSU.

18 reports in English have been presented at the Conference. Meeting the requirements of the publishers and related ethics, the speakers’ papers have been checked for plagiarism, double-blind peer reviewed by foreign and Russian scholars, and, keeping in mind their relevance, original character and impact – recommended for publishing in the “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” series at the SpringerLink digital library, and indexed in Scopus

PSU Contributes to International Center on Eurasian Integration

Perm State University participates in Eurasian integration by creating a specialized research center, together with partners from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia and Russia. On the way, participants from more countries and institutions will join the project.

Vyacheslav Tereshenko, International Department, PSU, has presented a project “International Center for Science Competence as a Driver of Eurasian Integration”, in partnership with colleagues from Tyumen, Kuban, Tomsk and Kazakhstan universities.

The project is aimed at formation of international expert groups in priority areas of research on Eurasian topics, the creation of laboratories and scientific schools. The Center will develop and implement educational programs for master’s and postgraduate studies in a network format.

“For the Center to start going, it is necessary to create a consortium of universities, which will serve a launch pad for educational programs, internships and research on integration in the Eurasian space. We consider the universities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia and Russia to be our first choice, since these states are actively creating a legal framework to commercialize the results of scientific, research and technical activities. The mentioned activities allow to develop new mechanisms for interaction between science and business – to ensure the introduction of high-techs into production, and stimulate businesses to participate in scientific projects,”

comments Vyacheslav Tereshenko.

The notion of Eurasian countries in the project means the opportunity for a wider variety of national entities to step in the Center’s activity. The Eurasian continent spans from the British Isles and the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Japanese archipelago in the east, geographically. The division between Europe and Asia is a historical social construct, yet regarded as a whole in terms of water mass.

The presentation took place at the IPR MEDIA platform, the company being one of the leading developers of digital education resources in Russia. IPR MEDIA is known for its innovative products aimed at professional exchange, building communities and passing knowledge through end-to-end digital technologies.

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