
PSU Students Return to Campus

Starting from 9 March, 2022, Perm State University resumes classes for full-time undergraduate and graduate students. The corresponding order has been posted on PSU website.

Mixed mode- and part-time students will continue studying online. Postgraduate students and individual graduate groups might continue incorporating online activities, on faculties’ request.

“Most of us have been online for a long time. Now that the steady character of the epidemiological situation allows us to get back to classrooms. The live communication with student mates and teachers should help switch to usual life. Please, show respect for the others and yourself: wear masks and use campus sanitizers. These measures are necessary to protect every staff member and student, as well as keep the full-time study mode going on,”

comments Dr. Dmitry Krasilnikov, PSU Rector.

Since 17 January, PSU has been working in a mixed study format. The campus has been open to those types of activity which require particular lab equipment and related software.

PSU Starts Classes Offline and On-Campus, Gradually

According to an official order by PSU Rector, workshops using laboratory equipment or related software for full-time students, including college students, will be held on Perm State University campus, since 17 January. Classes in sport athletics will also be held in full-time format.

Students doing master degrees will study in a mixed mode: an individual learning format will be set for each study group, depending on course disciplines. Part-time, external and graduate students will continue their classes in an online format.

Since 24 January, first and final year undergraduate and specialty students, as well as first year college (pre-university) students are supposed to switch to full-time format. The final decision on that will be based on accordingly, upon the first stage initial feedback and epidemiological situation in the region.

Checking online individual student plans is advised.

“For quite a while, we have been planning a switch to off-line studies. I understand that many students have not been in full-time class for about two years, already. To make this transition more even, and give students enough time for preparation, we have decided to do it in several steps. I am sure that even those who had been comfortable with distance learning, will enjoy a real university vibe after getting back to campus,”

comments Dr. Dmitry Krasilnikov, PSU Rector.

Prior to off-line studies renewal, the emergency alert system has been tested at PSU. The test involved University staff and students, with a participation by law enforcement agencies and PSU Student Union representatives.

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