Summer School ’21 at PSU Faculty of Economy: Get Switched!
Eager to invest in your future? Searching for insights at your recent job placement? Looking for new opportunities and collaborations? Time to switch to PSU summer schools!
The Summer School “Digital Economy, International Business and Big Data 2021” has started its sessions at Perm State University (PSU). The School is run by the Project Office for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Economics, PSU with the assistance by the Department of International Relations, PSU.
The School’s topics cover digital economy, blockchain systems, cryptocurrencies, Bid Data, and a broad overview of world markets. The program includes a series of professional lectures with the participation of international scholars and practicing experts. A new trait of the Summer School ‘2021 is its online format.
The School is run in close cooperation with Dr. Niels Pedersen, professor from Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). International participants include students from China University of Petroleum, regarded as the best university in China according to the QS World University Rankings in “Petroleum Engineering” category.
“This year, several PSU faculties are successfully implementing the Summer School ‘2021 program plans. Regardless of the restrictions period, caused by the pandemic, we haven’t cut on international programs or projects. As always, we are glad to accept international students and provide any possible assistance,”
comments Vadim Gataulin, Head of the International Relations Department, PSU.
Here at PSU, summer schools have received a priority status at growing student academic mobility. The School’s short-term format allows students to know better the University community and educational programs, as well as gain experience in joint research activities with leading university scholars.
“International educational programs are a priority direction at the Faculty of Economics. The challenges of the global economy provide us with the opportunity to set educational programs in an online format, with the participation of students and teachers from abroad. This year, we are delighted to have students from China as our participants! More more projects are yet to come,”
says Mikhail Gorodilov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, PSU.
The Faculty of Economics, PSU has been already successfully implementing international educational programs, to mention the Winter School, the Double Degree Diploma, and the International Business, both as masters’ and bachelor’s courses, and supplementary professional upgrade.

Interested in modern economics and summer schools? Feel free to contact:
Ekaterina Chuchulina, Office Head,
Project Office for International Cooperation,
Perm State National Research University (PSU),
Faculty of Economics, building 12, office. 203
(Whats App,Viber), tel.: 89223576757
instagramm: International_economPSU.