
PSU Strikes Agreement with Worcester, UK, Offers New MA Programs

Interested in studying in Britain? Keen on Economics? Choosing a new master’s course? Read and apply!

The Faculty of Economics, PSU is expanding its cooperation with the Worcester Business School – University of Worcester (UK).

In 2020, the Faculty of Economics, PSU introduces a new Double Degree program, titled “Perm State National Research University – University of Worcester”.

On 23 June, 2020, a cooperation agreement was signed between PSU and the University of Worcester. The University of Worcester was founded in 1946; it is a long-standing PSU partner. The University of Worcester is known as a close-knit and successful community, supporting students to succeed at various educational and research levels.

“Cooperation with UK universities under the Double Diploma program has been one of priorities of our Faculty, and overall PSU international cooperation. Yet, uniting both classic and modern educational approach in education is not new for us. Since 1998, our Faculty has been collaborating with leading universities in the UK,”

Mikhail Gorodilov, Dean of the Faculty of Economics

The University of Worcester offers full-time master’s programs in economics for our students, in cooperation with PSU Faculty of Economics, to mention the International Management MSc, Human Resource Management MSc, and MBA (Master of Business Administration). For the first time, our students will receive a scholarship of £2000-3000! The duration of study in England is 8-9 months. The target audience is bachelors and specialists who have entered any MA course at the Faculty of Economics, PSU.

“We regard this program as fresh and attractive. It also gains popularity among our students. At the moment, we offer 3 different joint programs to choose from. The University of Worcester scholarship will also be awarded to our students for the first time. Haven opened that brand new direction since June 2020, we hope for an uprising interest among the new applicants of our MA courses”

says Ekaterina Chuchulina, head of the Project Office for International Cooperation

For further information on the University of Worcester-PSU MA courses, please contact:

Project Office for International Cooperation,
Perm State National Research University,
Faculty of Economics, building 12, office. 203
Ekaterina Chuchulina, Office Head (Whats App,Viber), tel.: 8 (922) 357-67-57
instagramm: International_economPSU.

PSU Linguist Studies Gender Language in Russia, China, Spain and UK

How often do we sound masculine and feminine, without even noticing it? Does it affect the way people react to our speech? What are the ways gender stereotypes change, internationally?

Marina Garanovich, PSU researcher in linguistics, has studied family values, stereotypes and gender-related concepts, revealing the aspects of male and female speech in Russia, China, UK and Spain.

The study of Marina Garanovich includes 16 sociolinguistic experimental studies, with 1250 participants involved. Marina Garanovich is a teaching fellow and assistant professor at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, and the Department of Linguistics and Translation. Her research interests cover gender-specific cognitive language structures.

Marina Garanovich’s study is based on a survey of various groups of respondents, Russian and international ones. The study shows the dependence of gender speech stereotypes on social parameters: gender, age, social status, level of education and speciality. Moreover, each group has its own ‘version’ of female and male model of speech behavior.

The language perception of Russians traditionally links logics and dominance to male speech, and emotionality, verbosity and politeness to female. “However, the mind of a theater-related professional, for instance, projects stereotypical male characteristics of speech behavior to play directors, rather than generally men. That explains the concepts of speech behavior growing from professional occupation,”

comments Marina Garanovich

The variability of opinions about family relationships depends on the vision of the world, implied nationally. The analysis of association words connected with the ‘family’ concept shows that modern European family values penetrate into traditional Chinese culture, and the ideas about the social roles of men and women in Russian and Western cultures do not coincide.

“While a Western woman, being equal to a man in her social rights, gets somehow liberated from household burdens and family roles, within the Russian language and social perception a new woman role incorporates patriarchal and feminist characteristics,”

states Marina Garanovich

Nevertheless, as the research proposes, the verbal image of a Russian man is also gradually ‘released’ from a number of essential social roles, such as geniture, fatherhood and responsibility for the family, children and relatives.

As for the concept of marriage, Russian youth’ respondents determine its notion through the words ‘union’ and ‘legality’ – despite the fact that modern dictionaries of Russian language miss to mention ‘legality’ as its component. The research data also proves the term ‘civil marriage’ to retain its everyday naive concept of relations between a man and a woman, officially unregistered, which contradicts to its legal understanding.

The research shows the way personal preferences and stereotypes are fixed in the language and user vocabulary, finding their expression in oral and written speech.

“The British regularly reproduce signs of gender stereotypes in speech. They are generally more consistent, unlike Russian informants. This happens due to the preservation of patriarchal traditions in British culture, despite the intense liberal transformations of family values – for example, the freedom of choosing gender identity, or revising gender social roles, publically” .

Marina Garanovich

Marina Garanovich has conducted a study “Sociolinguistic Variation of Gender-Related Cognitive Formations” under a grant from the Russian Science Foundation. In the course of the project, since 2018, three master’s theses have been defended. 16 study publications entered the Russian Science Citation Index, including 3 articles in the Clarivate Web of Science. Upon the completion of the research, a monograph “Sociolinguistic Variation of Gender Stereotypes in Language Perception of Russians” was published.

Celebrate your Upgrades, Get an Autograph from PSU Rector!

International student graduating Perm Sate National Research University (PSU)? Missing the University campus and holiday mood? Want to share your celebration with family and friends? Keep great memories despite all odds?

Perm University Endowment Fund has launched a flash mob for PSU graduates ‘2020: get an autograph by the University Rector, and have it sent by us to your family!

Choose a card from a set of pictures with PSU campus views. For a symbolic donation of RUB 100 ($0,7) Perm University Endowment Fund will have a card signed by Professor Igor Makarikhin, PSU Rector, and send it to the address of your preference.

The text will contain congratulations to your family and friends, commemorating your graduation. More than just self-indulgence, this is a chance to thank those who have been supporting you for all this time, plus make a small yet important investment into the University future.

The amount of cards is limited, and the offer is valid for 1 month. Choose your card option and register here.

Got your mind set? Leave your request at @Perm University Endowment Fund Facebook page, or use to contact. A safe link for a charitable donation will be sent back to your mail box. It takes about 2 weeks for a card to reach the destination in Russia, and a little more for the international mail.

The Perm University Endowment Fund was established in 2014. To date, the amount of the Endowment capital has reached RUB 11.000.000 ($ 170,000). The endowment supports several scholarships and mini grants, as well as bigger citizens-oriented projects.

It is important to understand, that the endowment fund, by its nature, does not redistribute its funds, but pays from the annual interest – using the money raised through bank operations. The funds are then directed to support academic activity, research projects and collaborations.

Looking for More Academic Prospects? Try PSU!

Recently, as Perm Sate University hosted an Open Day Online, Igor Makarikhin, PSU Rector answered questions of applicants and their families. As there are about 400 international students studying at PSU, and many more wish to apply, let us bring the Rector’s word in relation to the international academic agenda:

When do I file my documents?

The start of applications remains unchanged – 20 June. Applicants who are going to take University exams must file their documents no later than 8 August. The student visa regulation requires an initial course in Russian, which is a key condition of studying in Russia. PSU International Department does offer a particular service on that.

Do I need an electronic signature for my application?

The University does not require any electronic signature for the applicants, nor we advise to deliver it to the 3rd persons, who might take the advantage of that, except any other regulation by PSU International Office. For more information, please check the following web page. All foreign applicants must fill in and send their documents via e-mail to

What about living conditions at PSUs?

We offer hostels and related facilities for non-resident and international students. For more information on living conditions, meals, sports and campus, please see here.

The Open Day is a large scale-event taking place twice a year: in October and May. The representatives of 12 faculties and the PSU College provide tutorials, presentations and feedbacks on their courses, entrance exams, as well as academic and social life on campus, in general.

In 2020, new MA and MSc programs in Modern Discursive Practices, Cross-Subject Foreign Language Communication and Information Management, Security in Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Faith Relations, Modern Biological Education, Tax Accounting and Consulting will be added to the long list of existing courses and disciplines:

“A Master’s degree program is an opportunity to deepen your knowledge or change the professional direction, adding another qualification to the existing one. The alumni with a non-standard set of skills now are particularly in demand,”

Igor Makarikhin, PSU Rector

Want to know more about studying at Perm National Research University? Please try the following links:

PSU Enters the a QS List of Best Educational Institutions, Globally

Today, Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a known British company specializing in the global analysis of higher education institutions, has published a list of the 1000 best universities in the world – the QS World University Rankings 2021.

For the first time, Perm State National Research University (PSU) has entered the QS world ranking list, taking #801-1000 place, as a result of a tough but reasonable educational competition, on a global scale. Out of Russia, only 28 universities have entered the world list.

In their comment to PSU Facebook page, the QS Top Universities hailed: A massive congratulations to everyone at the Perm State National Research University and welcome to the list! Find the full results at

The QS experts place PSU among 68% of the leading universities. TPSU has proved solid strong positions in such indicators as the students’ view of teaching staff (307 place in the world list), academic reputation (501+ place) and reputation among employers (501+ place).

In addition to mentioned criteria, QS evaluates universities by their citation index, the share of international students and foreign teaching staff.

QS World University Rankings have been published since 2004. Previously, PSU had been already included in other Quacquarelli Symonds ratings – like the QS University Rankings: BRICS Index (2014), entering the list of the best universities in developing countries in Europe and Central Asia (2016).

QS rankings are recognized as one of the most influential on the global scale, along with the Round University Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

PSU Student to Translate the Book by Tolkien Biographer

Сonstantin Pirozhkov, a student of the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature, PSU is about to finish his translation of “The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Places That Inspired Middle-Earth” – the new book by John Garth, famous British-based researcher and Tolkien biographer, according to the Text News Agency.

“A fanfare for the Russian translator of THE WORLDS OF J.R.R. TOLKIEN, who is quite the Tolkien expert himself (and studies, fittingly enough, in Oxford’s twin town),” John Garth states at his Facebook page.

So, why would the PSU student be involved?

“For six years now, I have been researching the biography and literary works of J.R.R. Tolkien. And when the Tolkien feature film was released last year, I turned to John Garth with questions about the discrepancies between the real biography and its cinematic version,” recalls Сonstantin.

“I became worried that the frivolous manner of the film could negatively affect the audience’s view of real people. So, I did turn to John Garth who kindly answered my questions,” Сonstantin Pirozhkov shares the facts.

The book titled “The Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien: The Places That Inspired Middle-Earth” is published in the UK today, 9 June 2020. The AST Publishing intends to release the book in Russian due to the end of the year. The book is simultaneously translated into several languages for different countries, all translators maintaining contact with the author. The PSU translator must finish his version by 25 June.

“The arrangements were made by AST, but I knew Constantin already and admire his attention to detail and his passion for the subject,” John Garth mentions.

Next year, Konstantin Pirozhkov graduates from the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at PSU. The AST Publishing initially intended to pass the work to other translators. However, the task was entrusted to Сonstantin, upon experts’ recommendations from Moscow. Based on his previous dedication to Tolkien, this is a new yet rewarding experience to Сonstantin.

The news source

PSU Ecology Project Receives Grant by Goethe Institute

The Perm Territories Ecologists ’Association by teaching fellows at PSU has become the winner of the social project competition by Goethe-Institut (Germany). The “Future Generation” international project initiated by the Association aims at one of the most pressing challenges of today – the climate change and sustainable development at the regional level, using the example of the Perm region. The competition is a part of the Year of Germany in Russia.

The authors of the project are Svetlana Kulakova, Associate Professor at the Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Protection, Catherine Köpke, Senior Lecturer at Department of Linguodidactics, Natalia Dobrynina, Head of Network Programs and Educational Projects Department, Andrey Zaytsev, Dean of the Department of Geography, PSU. Prof. Dr. Eileen Eckmeier became a German partner on behalf of the University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München).

The “Future Generation” environmental project involves a series of workshops in five cities of the Perm Territory: Vereshchagino, Solikamsk, Chusovoy, Kungur, Perm. The final conference, regarding the concept of sustainable development in Germany and Russia is planned for all the project participants in November 2020.

“The Year of Germany will show the versatility and current picture of the German partners and give new impetus to cooperation between our countries, as well as contribute to solving global challenges in the future”.

Andrei Vetrov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, PSU

Since the end of August 2020 until the middle of 2021, within the framework of the Year of Germany, Russia is going to host a variety of events designed to emphasize the importance of relations between countries in such fields as education, culture, science, economics and politics. The Year of Germany unites governmental, cultural, and scientific organizations of Germany, including the Deutsche Botschaft Moskau, the Goethe-Institut – the German Cultural Center in Russia, the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Russland), as well as higher educational institutions from both sides. This partnership will strengthen the ties that have developed over decades, as well as appearance of new projects.

The Perm Territories Ecologists ’Association was established in 2003 to develop ideas for environmental management and conservation, participate in formation of the ecological framework, and implement ideas for sustainable development.

PSU Scholars Explore Prehistoric Times

International group of palinologists, archaeologists and geographers have reconstructed the state of vegetation, climate and nature management in the central part of Perm territories over the past 8,000 years. Researchers obtained important data on the growth rates of peat bogs and the corresponding intensity of carbon accumulation. The research has been carried out by an international group of scientists from the University of Goettingen (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) and PSU. The results of the study have been published in the Boreas (journal).

“The main research method was the analysis of deposits containing pollen from different eras. The base sediment was a 3.5-meter peat core taken from the Paltinsky swamp near the township of Krasnokamsk. Separate samples were extracted from different layers of the peat column. For each of them, radiocarbon analysis made it possible to determine their age. Further, the study of pollen grains and a number of other residues provided data on the vegetation of the adjacent territory have been performed,”

Pavel Sannikov, assistant professor at the Department of Biogeocenology and Nature Conservation, PSU.

Lyudmila Shumilovskikh and Monika Schmidt, palinologists from the University of Goettingen (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) note that the main result of the study was the establishment of the dominance of different types of vegetation and their time frame. So, in the territory of Perm 8,800–6,900 years ago, pine-birch taiga prevailed, which is characteristic of the dry climate of the early Holocene. Later, in the Middle Holocene (6,900-4,000 years ago), the spread of spruce and broad-leaved species started, which serves an indication of the prevailing humid climate.

Penetration and distribution of fir at the beginning of the Late Holocene (4,000–2,300 years ago) coincides with the maximum distribution of broad-leaved species, indicating a warm climate. The decrease of broad-leaved species’ effect on forests starts 2,300 years ago, indicating the overall decrease of temperature and increasing role of human activity in the early Iron Age.

“The recently obtained data complements those previously gained archaeological assumptions about the ancient population of Prikamye, and serves their confirmation. At the same time, the new information on agriculture makes us partly re-shape our vision of the local economy structure, the Ananyinsky and Glyadeniv cultures, in particular,”

Mikhail Pereskokov, associate professor at the Department of History and Archeology, (PSU).

The publication uses a complex of palionological, archaeological and geographical data. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF, Российский научный фонд) and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). In the framework of the current RSF grant the research team continues the study on the general theme of “The Early Iron Age and the Age of the Great Migration to the Urals: adaptation, migration and cultural transformation in a changing natural environment”.

PSU Launches New MA Courses

In the 2020–2021 academic year, five PSU faculties launch new graduate programs, with an emphasis on arts. Starting this year, PSU will begin to train managers in procurement, teachers of biology and Chinese language, specialists in foreign language communication, as well as experts in inter-ethnic and inter-faith relations.

New Masters’ programs provide various forms of training: full-time, part-time and part-time, both academic (theoretically directed) and practice-oriented (applied) programs.

Pedagogical Education

The Faculty of Philology, PSU, has become a leader in the number of new programs. For the first time, the training of linguists and teachers of the Chinese language will start within the “Pedagogical Education” course profile. In addition, a competition for the “Modern Discursive Practices” course profile, within the “Philology” framework, has been announced. The program aims at versatile training in speech communication.

Modern Biological Education

Since 2020, the Faculty of Biology, PSU offers an MA course in pedagogics (i.e. teaching of Biology and related subjects). The graduates of Modern Biological Education course program will be able to find work as biology teachers, research center fellows and educational authorities’ officials.

Tax Accounting and Consulting

Two new programs in Economics are launched by the Faculty of Economics, PSU. Undergraduates of the Tax Accounting and Consulting course will master professional approaches in working with tax authorities, including the court appeal proceeding resulting from desk and field tax audits. Upon finishing the Contract System in Procurement Expertise program, the postgraduates will be able to claim for positions in organization, implementation and examination of procurement activities, and the functioning of the contract system at meeting state and business needs.

Cross-Subject Foreign Language Communication and Information Management

The Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature, PSU, will train wide profile experts in foreign language communication. Using the English language primarily, the students in Cross-Subject Foreign Language Communication and Information Management will master skills of professional communication – covering various fields of expertise, including physics, computer science, business service and tourism. The MA graduates will be able to find work as interpreters and translators, consulting experts and referents in international enterprises.

Security in Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Faith Relations

The Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, PSU, will start an MA course in Security in Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Faith Relations, within the Philosophy profile. The course graduates will be able to apply their knowledge in federal state, municipal and civil institutions.

“This year we are accepting applicants to undergo training in Cultural Anthropology. The subject is rarely represent as an MA program among Russian higher education institutions; the only exception is the one at the European University in St. Petersburg. That is, our program is exclusive for the Russian territories,”

Natalia Beresneva, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, PSU.

PSU in 2020
In 2020, PSU will accept 2139 applicants on a budgetary basis of study, in total, of which 604 places are designed for graduate students. A complete list of areas for MAs training, entrance tests and minimum scores can be found at the PSU International Department (please, leave your comments here).

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2020 No. 547, the rules for accepting documents for studies at universities have changed for 2020. Applications for full-time, part-time and distant MA strudies at PSU will be accepted from June 20, 2020 in the remote online format.

Reading Fairy Tales? PSU Contributes to International Museum Day!

Tianyao Song (China), PhD student from the Faculty of Philology and PSU Department of Public Affairs have joined the Perm Regional Museum / Museum of Permian Antiquities for the International Museum Day (18 May).

Tianyao Song has read a traditional Chinese fairy tale about the Old Man and the Owl – reaching a wide Internet audience of Russian children, gaining as far as 4,8К views.

Tianyao has also shared a story about her family back home in the native city of Liáoyuán (遼源) from Jilin province. She complemented the story with a little workshop in Chinese language, concentrating upon most frequent words from the tale.

“Recently we have started “secret tours” around the Permian fossils and dinosaur remains, using head flashlights in the dark – to ‘unlock’ the time veil, and ‘re-discover’ the history. Following the COVID-19 restrictions, we rearranged it online, reading stories for little children in the bedtime”

Julia Glazyrina from the Museum of Permian Antiquities

PSU joined the project as it both obtains several museum collections in various subjects, including history, archeology, minerals, botanics and others. The University also maintains contats with its alumni working at various local museums.

In 2018, Perm University History Museum obtained a Top UMAC AWARD (University Museums and Collections) by for its Campus Martius museum public space project, along with support by Vladimir Potanin Foundation.

The Permian is a geologic period and system which spans 47 million years from the end of the Carboniferous period 298.9 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the Triassic period 251.902 Mya. It is the last period of the Paleozoic era; the following Triassic period belongs to the Mesozoic era. The concept of the Permian was introduced in 1841 by geologist Sir Roderick Murchison, who named it after the region of Perm in Russia.

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